Last night, I was reviewing some scriptures, and this verse brought back some concepts already stewing in my heart, Matthew 5:43-45, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” There is lots of angst right now with Governors and Mayors who are putting a clampdown on Churches reopening, or hampering freedoms all in the guise of “protection.” As someone who has worked in politics, I know there are many good men and women on the inside (despite what you may believe) but I am not here to make the case on whether their governing decisions are justified or not. I am here to ask the following question. WE ARE MISSING THE OPPORTUNITY FOR INFLUENCE
Where is the call to pray for the leaders who are persecuting Christians in America? Where is the 21st century Church’s call to pray for our Governors and Mayors who - based on their fruit - over the years appear to be anything but pro-God and pro-America?
There are rallies and outcries against these leaders and their administrations. There are public statements of disgust and online slams against mention of these leaders’ decisions. There is foul language, there is confusion, there is anger boiling hot. On one hand, praise God we live in a nation that “allows” us to react and demonstrate (though one can only wonder how long even that minimal freedom will last if we don’t change things). But to Christ-followers, we have a higher mission. And I think we are missing the opportunity. SEEING THE BIGGER PICTURE These Governors, Mayors and any leader that is pushing a liberal agenda need to come face to face with the love of God. They need a Damascus Road encounter. Today. You and I can’t change their minds, hearts, or personal thought process but God can. And you and I as Christ followers and intercessors can part of making that happen. I have written about it recently: the story of Saul in the Bible (Read Acts). Oh, the terror and anger he must have stirred when he arrested Christians. The power hunger he must have had in his psyche as he added “one more notch” on his belt with every arrest. The accolades he must have been given by the governing authorities who championed his cause. For all the Christians knew - he would go on like this forever. Would Christianity really continue? In fact, he was enroute to the next city to do more damage to believers, probably scheme more plans and determine how he could take more captives to shut down the thing called Christianity. But as he was galloping on his warhorse -- he had an encounter he could not avoid. He could not ignore it. He could not shake it. And this one encounter changed the trajectory of his story and our own personal Christan walk today. Jesus - the One and Only stopped him in the road. As Saul fell to his knees, Jesus spoke from the heavens, “Saul, what are you doing to My people?” Jesus had Saul’s attention. He had been “caught”. He must be held accountable. Yet, notice how Jesus didn’t kill him, didn’t send him to prison, or destroy him. He encountered him, put him on the spot, got his attention and changed his heart and mind. There was something about that encounter, besides making him temporarily blind (you really should read the story), that must have gripped Saul to the core. He transformed to be one of the biggest champions of Christian faith; his later writings are what continue to speak to you and me today in the Gospels. The old man Saul became the new man Paul and the world was changed. His “new life” actions were not a mea culpa (trying to make up for all the atrocities he had done). It was because he BELIEVED Jesus … he had seen The Light. Jesus became His Savior and His Lord. He would spend the rest of his life sacrificing for the very One he had been mocking and ridiculing for all those months. Saul discovered the One whom he had spent so much time belittling, trying to shut out of society, and attempting to eliminate His people … was really Something. Jesus could not be ignored any more. He had to make a personal sacrifice for this One Saul now called Lord. Fast forward to today. What would happen if Governors Gretchen Whitmer, Andrew Cuomo, Ralph Northam, Gavin Newsom and the countless others had a Damascus Road counter? What if in their route through City Hall, or the drive from their office to home, or during a phone call, or in a dream - they had a visitation from the Lord God Himself? Imagine the reality of that encounter! It blows my mind to even pretend to envision it: they would be speechless. They would find their actions had to be accounted for. They would get a glimpse into the heart of the Father. They would see the world as He sees it. They would have clarity. Their heart would turn from wanting to fight against God to wanting to serve Him. Can you dream about the new champions for Christ and freedom that might emerge? Oh how the Kingdom of God could advance in incredible ways, and even our own nation would benefit if these leaders had a Damascus Road encounter. The truth of it is: they can. Nothing is too impossible or too big for God. And what a beautiful concept that they could know the full, redemptive, forgiving love of God. Maybe you and I have a role to play in prayer for them to get there? WHAT IS LOVE, REALLY? I wonder who the saints were that were praying behind the scenes for Saul? For all we know, there was a team zeroed in on praying for him. What if with every arrest, the prayer movement grew. The early Christians would have been some of the most passionate believers the world has ever known. They had seen the Savior and experienced His miracles. They must have known that who Saul was - was not who he was meant to be. There may have been calls for 24 hours of prayer and fasting. There may have been designated evenings that they prayed for this man to have an encounter with God. They may have laid awake at night praying that God would intervene and save this man from himself. These are the people I want to be. I want to be part of the tribe that believed enough in what Saul COULD become with the help of an encounter with God … that they cast their cares aside, surrendered their personal opinions and sowed their prayers before a Benevolent Father who hears our prayers and responds to our intercession. No one knows because that part of the story wasn’t told. But it does make me wonder: if there was a prayer team praying for Saul - what would have happened if they had not prayed? If they had licked their wounds, blasphemed his name, grew in scorn and fury, built up a resistance movement, and took their eyes off the heart of God? Again, I’m surmising but it does seem possible doesn’t it? The 21st century has defined love as ooey-gooey-make-you-feel-butterflies-and-goosebumps. The world teaches us to love others when someone does something nice for you. That isn’t what love is: love is a choice, a surrender of the will to give kindness and a gesture of mercy. So to give tough love to our current day enemies? How does that even work? Who does that! That is in fact what God has called us to do though. Fellow Christians, how are we loving our enemies - our Government Leaders who care more about advancing their power, growing their fame, and helping evil win - in this hour of frustration, angst, and freedom squelching in America? The Bible talks about how we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against - basically - what we cannot see. Spiritual realms. (Ephesians 6:12) My own Governor Gretchen Whitmer and all her progressive liberal groupies are not the enemies. They are simple hearts and minds and souls that have been deceived and misled. They are an opportunity for the Kingdom of God to step in and reclaim and redeem. God welcomes the partnership of His people here on earth. I believe that this is the hour for Christians to step up to the plate and get bold with the real enemy. Perhaps it’s time us Christians prayed something like this, “Hey devil - you think you have one over on us and that you are going to squelch our freedoms? Well, we have one bigger for you. We are going to pray for the SOULS of these leaders and that there will be angelic encounters, that they will have real live Damascus Road experiences … we are going to intercede and ask Heaven to intervene to not only eliminate your scheme but to change the rules of the game. We are praying for the leaders you are stirring us to hate. We are blessing them. We are asking for a revelation of God’s love to them. We are declaring right now they will be CHAMPIONS FOR CHRIST IN THIS HOUR. Devil your attempt to take out America is not going to work. So you might as well give up now ....” Can you just imagine the potential of thousands of Christians rallying around that war cry? Yes we are preserving our freedoms but we can see the bigger potential: we can fight for our freedoms and pray for souls of leaders who are deeply misled. How are we loving our enemies? Loving is tough. And it does not mean just being all feathery and feel good with them. No, I’m not saying give these leaders a pass, play easy with them and let them get by with all their buffoonery. They are making bad decisions and Americans have a right to voice their opposition. But as Christians we have an opportunity to also do something else. To pray and to act. To act and to pray. To intercede. To see a higher potential. To partner with God to pray and see them come to Christ. What greater way to love our enemies than seeing them how God sees them: see their souls, see their potential, see God’s heart for them and partner with Heaven to pray it into existence. Sure, go ahead and write their offices or call them or show up and say “this is why I don’t agree with you.” But you can also tell them at the end of your statesmanship letter or communication, “but you should know something I am praying for you. I am interceding for you and your family because THIS - this power grab and misuse of the public trust is not who God has created you to be. I am praying for a God encounter.” THE FUTURE IS SO BRIGHT Can you imagine what would (WILL!) happen when these men and women in elected office begin to seek God? Begin to repent for their actions? Start to use their position and influence for God and freedom and not against it? Can you imagine what spiritual strongholds that must exist around them? What dynamics must exist in the heavenlies for them to stand so firm on their beliefs and convictions? What supernatural powers of darkness must have their teeth into them (I mean seriously - to champion the killing of the unborn? That is not natural)? It is time that we know who we are in Christ. We are men and women of authority. We have the power of the Risen One inside of us. We operate in a world where at the mere mention of Jesus’ name, demons must bow. If we come together - as one, as a united big family of God and pray - interceding for them and their hearts, minds, and souls, can you imagine what damage could be done to the devil’s agenda in our nation? But most importantly what kind of true freedom could be discovered on the part of these leaders? Love is rarely easy or simple. But love is so significant. And real godly love can see beyond the pain to truth: these progressive, liberal leaders are deceived, misled, and in need of a Damascus Road experience. This scripture hits home, 1 Samuel 12:23, “As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you. “ So who is with me? Let’s put a spiritual bull’s eye on the lives of these leaders who have gone all cattywampus on us. Let’s pray for them to have a Damascus Road experience and let’s pray until it happens. Oh the honor of being part of the intercession team for the Sauls of this world: “Because of what Jesus did for me … let me stand in the gap for you until you see the light.” God can do it again. Perhaps, just maybe, He’s been waiting for us to catch the vision and stand in the gap. Hang in there. God’s best days are yet ahead. - AJH
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November 2024