Our stomachs revolt, our blood pressure rises, and our hearts grieve when we see what is happening in our nation. Our breath is taken away as we learn more about the deep corruption, insidious evil, government overreach, and irresponsibility among leaders. Will it ever stop? Where is justice? When will they be caught? Who will expose them? Will it ever end? For most Americans, responsibility, rule of law and consquences is a way of life. And so we naturally wonder, when will the villians be met with justice? In the midst of filth in the national arena, we have been confronted with the trouble of COVID19. The world has been shaking. And people are praying. Praise God that people are praying. I’d guess probably more prayers are being released to Heaven now than they have in a long time. We are all praying for miracles with the virus and we would not mind if it ends alongside a victory for Justice: corrupt leaders losing their power and influence. As we pray for an end to scandels and corruption, and that peace and good health return to our communities, have we considered what will happen when (not if) God answers our prayers for America? REQUESTS SUGGEST ANSWERS
When praying, it is natural to look to God for a response. Even when we were children, and we sought a new “toy”, the adult that weilded the power to make our dreams come true always had a response for us which usually involved a question. “Are you ready for the new responsibility?” We had to come to terms with the fact: if I wanted the new thing, I would have to embrace new responsibility. (I know, it’s such a dream crusher.) When I was a child, I asked for a puppy with my eager childish ways. My father probably gave me the speech about “you will have to be responsible for the puppy. Are you ready for that?” I said yes and brought home a puppy only to learn that after 3 days it was too much for me and the original owner graciously took the puppy back. Although I’d had a dog of my own in another state, and at a much younger age, there was something about this season, in this moment, that I was not prepared for all that it would entail. I was not ready to meet the answer to my request with the responsibility it required and deserved. With all the fasting and praying going on across the globe, there is an increase of expectation for answers, miracles, and breakthroughs. But the question must be addressed in our Christian ranks, are we ready for what happens when change arrives on the scene? In the quest for justice, are we ready to help the guilty and “caught” find redemption? Are we prepared to play a role in helping the broken find answers? Are we in position to catch someone as they fall from power, as their sins find them out and they are held accountable, and their level of personal desperation rises? In the yearning for revival, are Churches ready for the broken to rush their doors? As Christians, we are part of a Kingdom that exists - not to condemn but to set the captive free. For so long the Church has taken a sideline to even being engaged in the culture. Slowly the sleeping giant has started - again - to come awake. But are we ready to take action outside of our prayer closets: to step in the gap for those who find themselves helpless and in despair? To help people in discipleship of their new faith? Are we ready to be partners with God of redemption and reformation to our communities, to families, and to the lives of those around us? Are we ready to rebuild? Are we prepared to know what to do - for when our requests of God are answered? And if we find ourselves - not ready - we need to get there. Quick. Because our involvement in the next chapter of individuals’ stories and the narrative of America matters. WE DO LOVE THE HAPPY STORIES - BUT ARE WE WILLING TO BE PART OF IT? Stories of redemption make our hearts beat a little faster. They give us goosebumps and hope rises in our chest that maybe “that” will happen for someone I know and love. We love reading the Scriptures and the messages of truth by wise writers but do we stop to consider who is doing the writing? One of the most famous authors of the Bible is a man by the name of Paul. Only he’s a very complex man who found redemption in his life in a big way. I wonder how many Christians connect the story of the old man to the new man? It is one of the most glorious narratives of Christ’s Redemption Effect. In his younger years, he even had a different name. The world knew him as Saul. He worked for the government, was a significant leader in that government, and held power and influence. He was on the side of the Big Government Groupies who did not like the increase of Christians. He was brutal. In his zeal he would traipse up and down the roads arresting people throwing into jail those who had chosen to follow Christ. He was an enemy of people like you and me. At this point in his story, Saul would have been someone the Christians feared, ran from, hid from, and probably hated. More than likely families taught their children, “if you ever see Saul and his troops - run, sound the alarm but never let him find you!” Churches probably had to worship in secret. He was there for the brutal stoning and killing of Stephen (may have even given the okay for it to happen!). He had a mission and a fury to sideline Christians. Imprisioning believers was something he did as a passion. More than likely many righteous men and women were furious, scared, and appalled. They were probably praying like never before, “Someone stop him! God change him! God do something!” Well, God did. Saul was on a journey from one town to another (consider him driving his nice car in between Washington DC and the next big metropolis), on his way to do more arresting of Believers. He was probably on his way to go to his nightclubs, and sororities, his private island, and secret hide outs scheming and conniving with the anti-God, anti-Christian people. He was probably brainstorming more ways he could take out the Christians, creative ways to persecute them, and strategizing numerous ways to eliminate them from society. Perhaps he was on a quest for power and hoping to climb the ranks of the political apparatus. Perhaps he was doing this for fame, glory, and power. Maybe he was burying pain of his own heart and mind by hurting others. For all you and I know he might have looked just like one of the 21st century leaders today sitting in their high office, and wielding power to the highest bidder. But something happened for Saul. His course of life - his story - suddently, abruptly, immediately changed. He had an encounter with God on the road. Literally. On his highway journey, all of a sudden a light from the Heavens interrupted his quest. He stopped and fell to his knees. A voice from Heaven spoke (can you imagine how intimidating this would be?!), “Saul, what are you doing? Why are you intimidating My people?” It was Jesus. This Voice from Heaven was addressing Saul in the middle of the day, in perhaps one of the most awkward of places (a busy road with lots of going and coming), surrounded by others who saw what Saul was doing and heard what he was saying but could not see how God was addressing him. He probably looked like a crazy man to those passing by. But it didn’t matter to Saul - God had arrested his attention. All of a sudden - out of nowhere - one of the chief enemies of Christianity was in the presence of God and was personally being addressed by the One whose people he was persecuting. This was his judgment day: Jesus wanted to know why are you hurting my people? Can you imagine the wave of emotion and perhaps guilt that Saul may have felt as he came face to face with the reality of what he had been doing to Jesus’ people? The Bible doesn’t say that it was a long exchange but a quick encounter and something in that experience must have radically shaken him to take him from passionate bully to a humble follower of God. Something in this moment caused him to make a radical change. Can you imagine what everyone must have been saying around him? Can you imagine what a powerful moment with God that was that in that moment everything changed for him? In this transaction, he was made temporarily blind. Eventually, Saul stood up from his “high way encounter” with Jesus. He was helped by a couple people to find his way to the next city where he stayed at a home for 3 days. Unbeknownst to Him, God was already preparing the next person to aide him in his transformation. God had spoken to Ananias in a vision of where he was to go and what he was to do to help Saul. Ananias struggled with a response similar to, “But God! Saul? I’ve heard of what he has done to Your people.” God’s answer to him was about as stern a response as you can get, “Go! This man is My chosen instrument …” Ananias obeyed. He went to blind Saul in captivity. God used this man to heal Saul in restoring his sight and to start him on his now personal relationship with Christ. (Read Acts 9 for the telling of this story. It’s worth your time.) Long story short, Saul met God. And he was changed. Forever. Saul was aided in his new journey, his launch to eventually become one of the greatest Bible authors and champions of Christianity of all time, by a man who obeyed God and ministered to him. How does this relate to us today? I’ll explain. WHAT ABOUT TODAY Saul’s story of redemption (to Paul) is an incredible message for even us today. This man almost immediately began preaching about the Gospel. Saul-Paul went on to be one of God’s greatest and most trusted writers. He was one of the first traveling preachers. He was a traveling seminary, leading Bible Study Champion, and maybe one of the first worship leaders. He not only led other people to Christ - his writings still impact us today. That is redemption. Yes, we know him as Paul now but my point is: he was Saul, and in order to get to his role as Paul he had an encouter with God and he found people along the way that helped him in his journey. Fast forward to now. Thousands of Christians claim to know and love God and believe His Word that He is still the same today. We can still expect the same fruit. We can still look to Him for the same manuevers. And we hope more opportunities happen of the “in the road, stop the traffic, yes I’m speaking to YOU” encounters for our loved ones - but what about our nation’s enemies? As we have been increasing calls for prayer and fasting, praying for breakthrough in America, that hearts would turn back to Him, that families would be healed, that corruption would be exposed, that those who have been cruel and unjust would be caught we must remember: God is listening. God is changing things. But the change and reformation that is coming will be in large part dependent on you and me and our actions in the arena. Will we be willing to go to Saul and help him in his journey to become Paul? Are we ready to lead the Harvey Weinsteins, Hillary Clintons, George Soros, Nancy Pelosis, CEO of the Clinton Foundation, Doctors of abortion clinics, ring leaders of pornography groups, captains of the sex trafficking trade, abusers, pediophiles, tax cheats to Jesus? As more corruption is exposed and leaders are put on the judgment stand and they realize they can no longer hide their sins or get away with the evils they have dreamed up they will react. They are going to struggle as the lies of the enemy mount in their ear, that “They are finished and they have nothing else to live for.” As they realize what they have done they are going to be met with despair, condemnation of themselves, and they are going to hate everything about them. They are going to see their end in sight. They are going to look through the lense of fear and suppose there is no more place for them in the world. They are going to be ready for two things: 1) a Damascus road experience. They are going to be on a highway of life, and listening when God speaks. Are we as Christians priming the amosphere with our intercessions getting things ready for this encounter? And 2) they will need an Ananias there to guide them in their transformation from “Saul to Paul.” They will need help in their healing process. Are we willing to move beyond the role of “judge and jury” (oh the filth! Oh the corruption! Oh the scandels, shame, shame, shame!) and “intercessor” (Lord, have mercy on our land!) to partner with God to pave the way for the salvation of today’s Sauls and then the metamophrisis journey into Pauls? Who are we to judge but that the Harvey Weinsteins of this life really may become one of the greatest champions for Christ. Are we willing to help him get there? Are we going to be ready and willing to step into the gap to point them to hope? If you are the UPS Driver who delivers mail to the residence of Hilary Clinton’s home, are you praying over that place and ready to share Jesus when she asks? If you deliver groceries to Bill DeBlasio’s place, are you ready to answer the question “What is different about you? Why are you so full of hope?” Are you ready to reach out to George Soros or Harvey Weinstin in jail and make sure they have someone that is speaking Jesus, forgiveness, and hope into their lives? What they have done is awful. Yes, we all know that. Even God Almighty would agree! But the very reason that Jesus came was not to condemn the world but to save the world. He came so that Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the abortion doctor, and those who assist in euthansia -- that they know HIM! As Christians, we find it easy to point fingers but our real calling in this earth is much bigger than to ever be judge and jury. Are we ready to lead people to the Savior and help them on their redemptive journey? Are we willing to step into the gap when they do have those encounters with God, willing to help them in their transformation from sinner to saved by grace? Are we willing to swallow our disgust and surrender our will, opinion, judgment, and fury to the Father and say, “Your love of this sinner is so much more important than how or what I think of them. Use me if You want Lord, to help them in their Saul to Paul journey.” WE HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO FULFILL Yes, it is good that we pray. And we should increase our expectation that God is going to come through on our prayers for a reset in our nation. But we must also be asking the Lord, “As You answer our prayers Lord, help us to know how to be ready to respond.” I am guessing that the early disciples had a lot of emotions when they found out about Saul’s conversion. “Come-a-say-what?” They probably asked, “How do we know it’s real and not a scheme to take us out?” Or “Is this just his latest trick?” Many probably said, “I don’t care. He does not deserve God. He killed my family member, he eliminated my neighbor, he persecuted my spouse. Let him rot in hell!!!!!!” The emotion creeps up in my chest even as I write this. Believe me, as someone who loves the political arena, I hate that the reputation for it has soured due to so many who are corrupt. I hate that my nation has been hurt by so many championing deception and lies. But, friend, I love my Savior. How do I turn to Jesus and say, “I deserve Your forgiveness and your mercy but they do not?” How do I look at God when I get to Heaven and say, “I am worthy of your salvation but Your salvation won’t work for George Soros, Al Gore, or Rev. Jesse Jackson?” How do I have integrity if I speak Christ, claim Christ, try to follow Christ but do not look for Jesus to give personal encounters to Al Sharpton, Bill Clinton, or the partners of Jeffrey Epstein? Mercy does not mean escape and mercy does not mean that the guilty one will not have consequences. True mercy means, “you don’t deserve this but I'm giving it to you anyway.” That’s what God does for us. And He changes us. How can we as Christ followers not be prepared to offer the same thing? I can only imagine the possible horrible grief Paul endured as he faced again and again memories of what he had done to the early church. But the memories of their actions will be between them and God, not you and me. If we believe in the God of Redemption, we must also look to live it out towards the Pauls of this world. When they did wrong, but they make right with Christ, we must look to them through the eyes of God’s love. And no - I’m not suggesting that people should get off free. If you are distracted by what the villians are not getting in my story, you are missing the point. What I argue that needs to happen is: continued intercession, but let’s also pray that as corruption is exposed that God will put people of faith in the pathways of these people so they are ready to catch them when they fall (notice I said when not if). Some might say that as the exposure takes place and corruption is revealed, there will be suicides of those who have been guilty or suspicious murders. But why should that happen? We have the authority of the Risen Christ in us: we can stand in the gap to proclaim life over them. Because no matter what they have done in this life, they do not deserve hell’s damnation forever. Jesus thinks they are worth His love so shouldn’t we? As wrong as they are, they need a Savior. And once they find that Savior, it’s between them and God as they live the rest of their days dealing with their old sinner’s ways. But God says, “I didn’t send Christ to the earth so you can condemn the world. I came to save the world.” Let’s be praying for more Damascus road experiences in America for those who have been creators of mayhem and trouble. Let’s look in expectation to the testimonies coming. Let’s be prepared to rejoice that our prayers brought people to a God encounter. And let’s be ready for when the lost find themselves lost - and are ready to come home to Him - they are met with the love of Christ in you and me. Let’s be ready to disciple, encourage, and point to a Savior. God did the unbelievable for one of the early church’s worst enemies. If He can take Saul and make him one of the biggest champions for Christinaity not just in that moment but for centurities to come, He can do it again to the villians of our day. Afterall Jesus came so that they too can be saved. Let’s be ready to respond and engage as the lost are ready to come home to Him.
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November 2024