Let's Learn to COMMUNICATE!
When you communicate, relationships improve, communities thrive, and the world is changed for the better.
To not communicate effectively is injustice to the message God has given you to convey. - Amy J. Hawkins
Communication is fun!I am passionate about great communication. I am also a firm believer that even "Non-communication" is communication.
Silence speaks volumes. And conservatives at times are not good at conveying what they think, showing up to the current conversation, or contributing to a positive reality. Their silence builds a massive void that feeds the perception that is oftentimes false. Instead of running from communications, we need to start to see it differently: Communication is a gift, an adventure, an art, and brilliant tool. It is something to embrace - not to run away from. If communications can once again become a priority we will find that more people will join us vs mock us. If our principles are right we have a moral obligation to convey the message with excellence so more people's lives can be changed. |
Sometimes we fail, because we simply do not communicate. - Amy J. Hawkins
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Elected LeadersConservatives we want you to win. But sometimes the communication web can be so confusing!
Here is a graphic to start! |