<![CDATA[Amy J. Hawkins - Amy\'s Blog]]>Thu, 27 Feb 2025 17:59:53 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Is this the best we can do for communications?]]>Mon, 25 Nov 2024 23:28:25 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/is-this-the-best-we-can-do-for-communications
We have to be better communicators: all of us.
As humans, elected leaders, concerned citizens. As police departments, leaders of causes, and instigators of holy movements.
We have to communicate with heart and tone that convey we care, we are authentic, and we are willing to listen. We must prove we are transparent, show up in ways to serve, and be able to explain our vision in a few seconds.

WE have to communicate in whatever way that reaches our target audience, but we must remember we are talking to people and they must feel that we value them.

We have to share the hope, as people of faith. How do we do this?
  • We show up in the community as a peaceful presence
  • We show up willing to serve, before ever being asked
  • We show up to build relationships
And we work to build solutions with others toward common benefits If we don’t do any of the above, we fail, we fall behind, and we dilute our effectiveness.

Want to thrive at communications? Learn how to do it well.

Want to find out how to show up as a person of faith in a space so you are taken seriously? Talk to the people who have “been there, done that.”

We have a nation to save and with these two things we hold the key.

Sign up for my premiere grassroots newsletter on news and activity in Michigan! 
Resources to Explore
<![CDATA[How You Can Help Save America - Now!]]>Mon, 22 Jul 2024 18:24:10 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/howtosaveamerica
The Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they set up this beautiful nation all those years ago. We cannot abandon our duties now. 
You love America. 

Your heart hurts over how the nation is groaning, freedom is slipping through our fingers, and the fabric of what makes it great seems to be disentegrating before our eyes. 

It is not up to who is in the White House (though it helps), to save America. The freedom we have must be maintained, preserved, defended, and propagated for future generations - by you and me. 

Yes that means you. And your family. 

There are simple ways you can help save America. 
Grab Your Copy
In this newest product I list: 
  • 7 things to start now where you are at in your local community that can make an impact 
  • An Action plan to get started 
  • and I provide you with resources
This product has at least a 19.99 value (probably more) but I am only selling it for 1.99 for the moment. ​But it will go up soon! 

It's easy to read, simple to digest and it gets you started on "what can I do to help save America?" 

Yes, what happens in our State Capitols and in Washington DC matters immensely. But what shows itself at the top often starts at the bottom. It is time that citizens start to take responsibility for what is happening in our local communities, if we want to change America. 

​Please grab your copy and let me know what you think! 
Get Your Copy
<![CDATA[We Must not Overlook the How as we Attempt to Inspire People to get involved]]>Fri, 24 May 2024 23:04:31 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/we-must-not-overlook-the-how-as-we-attempt-to-inspire-people-to-get-involved
Too often marketplace leaders champion what needs to be done, or emphasize that something must be done but does not explain how to do what needs to be done. 

This is the hour that we need to help people understand 
  • The How 
  • The What 
  • And the What Next 
We understand the culture is off balance. We understand everything that should be right side up is upside down. We understand that everything that faces forward now seems backward. But oftentimes we (as citizens) don't know what to do. 

So as leaders (anyone who has the heart to inform others is a leader) must ask how can we help people know the answers to their questions? 

Our role as leaders is to: 
  • Understand the problem 
  • Acknowledge it 
  • Confront it: inform on it, education others on it, and then 
  • Help people to see a way forward
  • Build towards a solution 
So many citizens right now are seeing the horror of a broken society but they do not know how to move forward. 

The job is for us who have been in the arena a long time can see better a way forward. It does not mean we have all the answers but it does mean we can help lay the stepping stones and point people in the right direction. 


I was recently playing a game with a young family member. Part of the game required that you draw cards and use the cards to slowly piece together the pathway to get home. The roll of the dice and your choices allowed you to choose the steps.

In a similar way, we serve a Big God Who by Providential Wisdom influences the outcomes and directions - this is truth. But, by His own Divine freedom loving  but oftentimes,
the success of our future is based on our choices. 

And the fruit we see before us in America stinks. We must come to terms with: if we don't like it, then we should not be satisfied to allow this to be the standard moving forward. We cannot expect the next generation to change things (how can they if they have not known what is right and true from us as a culture teaching them) - we must start to lead from where we are at. 


This is the hour we need to help people understand the How - and we have to go back to the basics. 

1. Identify what it is you want to fix (families? Education?) 
2. Identify the local connection
3. Identify the root problem 
4. Start asking God and researching to say "what can I do?" 

So for example, let's say your heart is broken over the educational system. How we got here didn't happen overnight. So let's start on a piece of it to put it back together again: 
  • Identify the local connection to the bigger topic: perhaps your local public school, or a summer sports league in need of loving adults to help out, or a kid next door that needs a tutor 
  • Identify the root issue of the scenario: kids can't read, or kids don't have  enough adults willing to be mentors or you know a kid struggling in school and it's hurting their self esteem
  • Then find a way you can serve in that situation: volunteer to go to the local public school to aid teachers in teaching the little ones to read (be a teacher's aide or offer to let the kids read to you so you can assist), or build relationships with the right people and see if you can offer an after school program or a summer Bible camp, invite kids over from the neighborhood to spend time with your family and "have fun working on projects" together, etc

We have to identify the way forward and we have to help point people in the right direction, starting in our own hearts. We have to help people know "HOW" to I move forward from this cesspool to a more hopeful landscape? 

In this hour, we cannot save the world but we can do our part to influence our local community and all of us doing that around the nation can ultimately change a nation. 

Thanks for caring enough to read this … 
<![CDATA[Policing and Living in the 60's]]>Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:39:14 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/policing-and-living-in-the-60s
John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, in the midst of tense times, saw the men and women behind the badge as being people he could respect and should defend.

In 1962, America’s youngest President had wisdom beyond his years when he spoke up and chose to make:
  • a day in May (usually May 15) specifically Peace Officer’s Memorial Day, a time to remember those who had died or been injured in the line of duty
  • The days surrounding it as Police Week every year, a time to celebrate and salute those who continue to serve

​When this effort started, I was no where near being born. From what I can tell through research, living in the 60’s was a hotbed of tension and unrest.
In the season of “love and peace and hippies” things were not always joy filled enchanting moments. Instead, culture was alive with
  • Racial tension beyond measure: segregation was still an issue
  • Hatred towards Police Officers
  • Riots and protests
  • Crime and drug abuse
  • and I’m sure much more

At a time when culture was often standing against Law Enforcement, President JFK took a stand. It is one thing to respect someone in your heart and it is another thing to use your bully-pulpit to publicly praise them and to lead boldly on their behalf in front of media cameras and other world leaders.

JFK drew a line in the sand when it came to Law Enforcement in 1962. He chose to stand in support of them and he started an initiative that even to this day the majority of Americans know nothing about.

JFK initiated Police Week in America. This year, May 12 - 18, 2024, America will celebrate our 62nd Police Week. If he could only see us now, I think he would say, “Americans, your job is just getting started. In fact friends, you’ve barely begun.”
Unless you are part of a Law Enforcement family, more than likely you never knew about Police Week. You are not alone.

If President Kennedy’s life had not been cut short by an assassin, more than likely this move would have grown over the course of his years in and following the White House. But with his death in 1963, he had not had long to weave it into the national fabric of our culture. So, unfortunately, it is an initiative that faded into the background of America. Until now. You and I can - and will - make the difference and let the nation know of this sacred season in May that is worth cherishing.

Even in the 60’s, when things were very tense, the safest move was probably for President Kennedy to just stay “politically correct” and avoid rocking the boat. However, I can only surmise, he must have launched this pro-Police effort because he saw the good of Law Enforcement even in a world where tensions abound. And he saw a group of people worth recognizing.

I couldn’t agree more.

Today, when an Officer being shot is too often, their resources are being cut, their recruitment is way down, their morale is low, and community-visible support is oftentimes non-existent, it is crucial that we follow in President Kennedy’s example.

It continues to take my breath away to consider that thousands of American men and women willingly go through the training, choose the profession, put on the badge and the uniform daily to run into danger to keep me safe, knowing it may cost them their very life. There are no words. I hope I will always stand in awe.

Doing our part to build local communities and cultures that celebrate the profession and salute those who serve in it (and their families) is not and will not be easy. And it might not always be convenient.

JFK - even in light of all that his country was facing - knew what was right, just like we do today: Law Enforcement are an essential part of a free and just society and we cannot abandon them. We must stand with them - year round. And Police Week is a great time to get started.

I hope you will join me in carrying President Kennedy’s torch of support for Law Enforcement during Police Week and every week of the year.

​America, our Police matter too much to forget, ignore, or overlook them. They need to see, hear and feel our love, respect and ongoing support. And we must start now.
You can read JFK’s proclamation in 1962 here. 

P.S. Join our efforts in Michigan through my non-profit organization, Police Week Michigan. Or use some of the ideas and resources for your own efforts in your state. Email me with questions info@policeweekmichigan.com
<![CDATA[Dates for Michigan Politicos to know]]>Sat, 23 Mar 2024 23:32:13 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/dates-for-michigan-politicos-to-know
NOTE: Do you live in Michigan? If you do, here are some important dates below. If you don't, use them as a sort of example to explore in your state! These dates matter! 

Welcome to a HUGE year in Politics in Michigan! Here are some dates you should know. 
April 1, 2024 - Deadline for County Parties to submit counts for Precinct Delegates

April 16, 2024 - General Election for Special Election (2 state house seats) in Michigan

April 23, 2024, 4:00 PM - Filing Deadline to run for office

May 7, 2024 - Deadline to file for Precinct Delegate

May 7, 2024 - Election

May 12 - 18, 2024 - Police Week

End of June - Absentee ballots released for August election (aka people will start voting)

July 15-18, 2024 - Republican Convention, Milwaukee Wisconsin

August 6, 2024 - Primary Election

August 2024 - State Convention

August 19-22, 2024 - Democrat Convention, Chicago

End of September - Absentee ballots released for November election (aka people will start voting)

November 5, 2024 - General Election
I will work to keep you updated! 

Email me with questions amy@generationstrategies.com
<![CDATA[Long Term Issue: Conservatives Don't Want to Talk and they are Hiding in the Process]]>Wed, 20 Mar 2024 16:31:24 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/long-term-issue-conservatives-dont-want-to-talk-and-they-are-hiding-in-the-process
Democrats seize any and every opportunity to elevate their message, keep themselves in the media, and generate wins for their agenda.
Republicans have not yet figured out what “Public Relations” is.

Yes, I am a Republican and this all hurts badly when your side just “doesn’t get it.”

​NOTE: For my Republican friends reading this - don’t be mad at me for saying the following. You know me. Please see the insight I’m shining a light on so that we can ALL benefit for our cause and our campaigns

Now before you get too hot and think I’m abandoning my party or our team, think again. I have been asking questions and attempting to draw attention to key reasons for what we should be doing and what we are not doing for months (years, really). And you review the following and tell me if anything I’m saying is wrong.

I almost want to laugh out loud at the reality of my heart: I just wish people would listen. I’m not a newby to this space. I’m telling you we could have huge successes if we would just up our message and PR approach.

It is the fool who knows truth and withholds it from their peers.
So allow me a moment to break down the Democrat vs Republican mindset.

The psychology behind the Democrats (or progressives) is the following:
  • We (Democrats) are united.
  • We have our eyes on one mission: to win, to obtain and keep power, to advance
  • We keep our peers in line.
  • We fall on the sword (we each sacrifice for the benefit of the collective win).
  • We do not care about the outcome of the promise, or how the promise can be accomplished (aka process) — but we say the right thing to reach the right people to get US (not them) our ideal outcome
    (Example: think Governor Whitmer’s “I’ll fix the D*** roads!” promise — they are still a disaster years later. So much for that pledge.)
  • We watch for any moment that we can push a story or message in the media that helps us and hurts our opponents.
This is the makeup of our opponents (Note: No matter what worldview, every life has value and I celebrate getting to know those that disagree with me but for the sake of this discussion I am putting them in terms of ‘them vs us’).

Republicans - or conservatives - don’t think like that. They think more in terms of:
  • The individual. Me. My family. My property. My conscience. My cause. There is good to this as it emphasizes personal responsibility but if we are not careful it lands us in danger zone where the only thing that matters is “me” and not the team.
  • Safety vs strength. We would rather be safe and secure vs making bold and courageous moves. We would rather stay quiet than put ourselves out there to do what is right or when we could get a win.
  • This moment vs long term. In fact sometimes we care more about “history” and the happenings of yesterday and do not give our followers a vision to be inspired to follow.
  • The internal message vs the outward message: We forget that the message that counts is not the one that is sent - but the one that is received. Silence is a message. Limited comments is a message. You can have the best strategy behind the scenes but if the public (your followers) are clueless it appears like you are failing on the job you are actually doing all you can to succeed with.
  • We want people to like us and we do not know how to handle when people don’t like us. We crawl into our shells and we panic when it happens.
  • We assume the best - of everyone, even the enemy in the opposition camp. We give them the benefit of the doubt, letting the fox into our homes even before we can think twice.

​Our Republican strategy - at the core of our hearts - may be the right thing but our approach as a whole hinges on something else.
Democrats see politics as a lifestyle and a way of survival for their agenda.
Republicans take it or leave it: they lose, they take their toys and go home and spend the next few years moaning about their peers and how they have been disappointed. They break off into more groups. They splinter. They gladly sacrifice the win for the sake of the principle, which ultimately hurts their principle survival long term but in the nano-second that is as far as they can see.

Too often Republicans don’t realize this is a war and they approach it with temporary commitment while the opposition is fighting to the death.

Too often Republicans do not live with a 40K view perspective - instead they only seek to survive the momentary skirmish and until Republicans can plan farther out and point people to a broader horizon we will fail again and again.

Truthfully, Republicans are in an ongoing struggle: They are overwhelmed by the individual needs of their family (remember, responsibility is key), they are working hard to build relationships (for those who are inside the political arena) and give patience to the process (what mature people do) and they are doing their best to serve their community well.

But they are overlooking the importance of the Public Relation game.
The longer we take to get ourselves on track with the current century and advance towards an inspiring mission the more the progressives win.
Democrats smell blood in the water and they are punching and preparing to pounce more.
So what to do?
  1. Be aware. Be aware of the team you are on and how you are processing things.
  2. Ask better questions.
  3. YOU start leading and planning a better agenda and game plan.
  4. Stop ignoring Public Relations.
  5. Be aware of what others are saying and doing and how your brand is coming across.
  6. Delegate more authority so you can accomplish more vs less.
  7. And link arms with one another - no matter what.
  8. Take advantage of any media opportunity.

If your ideas and policies really are the best then start living like it, start talking like it, start verbally sharing your mission and your cause.

Do not just allow yourselves to be the victims of the Democrats’ brilliant moves and message. Push back. Speak up. Smile. Repeat. Make the communication arm of your movement significant and big.

Because you can do everything right but if the story is not being told and it is not being told in the right way with the right consistency and aggressiveness all the other good things don’t matter.

We can do better but the way we are going it is going to be a dismal next few months.
  • AJH

P.S. Weigh in below and let me know how I can help!
<![CDATA[Communication is not Complex. It's Simple except - we make it convoluted.]]>Mon, 11 Mar 2024 17:31:30 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/communication-is-not-complex-its-simple-except-we-make-it-convoluted
Communication is way easier than you think. Stop avoiding it. 
Communication is just talking.

Communication is having a conversation, responding to questions, smiling, offering a speck of hope, and listening.

I was at an event on Tuesday’s Election Night (big election day in Michigan this week!) and got to hear “the conversation” from the new Republican Party Chair of Michigan, Pete Hoekstra.

What I heard from him was:
  • Conversation - even from the stage
  • Authenticity - both one on one and on the stage
  • Humility - he shared the stage with others
  • Kindness - offered kindness to those in the room who worked against him at one time or the other
He did not give a 3 hour speech, or read from a teleprompter or stand in the corner and assume “communication was happening.”

I walked away with an extra speck of hope.

We must all learn TO communicate. We must stop hiding from it.
And it’s time to stop assuming someone else is doing it.

Talk with purpose and intentionality. Communicate with joy, interest, and a heart of service and watch how things get better. It can make all the difference.

Silence and hiding from communication is no longer an option. It’s time to lean in and start to communicate. Thank you Chairman Hoekstra for encouraging me: there is hope on the horizon.

Communication matters.

And if we ever want to win again as conservatives, as leaders, as peers - we need to embrace it.

Lean into some of these resources to start to take yourself to the next level!
<![CDATA[Becoming a Better Communicator Can Change Your Life]]>Sun, 26 Nov 2023 02:53:01 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/becoming-a-better-communicator-can-change-your-life
You are created to communicate and communicate well. It was never meant to be “easy” or convenient or to always make you feel good. But it has been overlooked. 

If good communication can make things better - and it can - isn't it worth the effort to improve your skills? Better communication can only help. 

In a world where hand written letters forced us to spell out what we were thinking and feeling, communication often now consists of emoji’s and abbreviations.

We live online and in our heads. We assume people know what we mean or feel the same way. And because of the online world that allows us to be a dozen places at once, and makes us more aware of other stories and situations unfolding, we are now juggling more balls - to our skill and detriment.

Increased juggling often means more communication through screens or keyboards so context, tone, and emotion are eliminated. In today's 21st century, we are not forced to (or sometimes able to) rely on eye to eye contact, or listening to inflection to better understand, or using body language to lean in and convey we are trying to understand. 

Communication is more important now than ever before and it has a million more tools - and hurdles - at our disposal. 
No wonder people are often misunderstood. Our culture currently stinks at quality communication. 

The Value It Offers 

By better understanding the skill of communications, and how to do it well, provides immense benefits: 
  • It will help you be more clearly understood and when you are more understood your team can follow you better, and others understand you and can respect you more.
  • It empowers you and increases your confidence: you won’t find everyone agreeing with you all the time but you will find new friends as you communicate more and they better understand your position and reasoning. 
  • It brings immense clarity to the situation, and to those around you: No one wants to be part of a family or a team or a work place that is full of confusion and misunderstandings. The more clearly you can communicate and help others to do so will help others to see more of what they have in common than just conflict. 

Better communication increases your quality of life, whether with relationships, at home, or at work. And it most definitely enriches the lives of those around you. 


As conservatives, we must learn to communicate better or else we will continue to lose. It sounds harsh - but it is true. All of us have heard the current brand for "Republicans or Conservatives" (all negative for which I will not expound upon). By us not doing better at communication, we leave a void and when there is a void it gets filled. We have no one to blame by ourselves for our poor marketing strategy. 

The current state of affairs in our country right now is multi-faceted but in part, leaders have not communicated effectively for decades.  Because grassroots have been overlooked, they have found “their truth” elsewhere, continuing to grow the massive divide between good Elected Leaders and their outstanding intentions, and citizens who have hearts of gold and genuinely care to understand. 

Without your message, your target market will pick up another message. Something (or someone) will fill the void. If it’s anything other than yours, it is hurting or offering a counter productive message to your agenda and focus.

So who is to blame? You are. We are. But we can change it and must for the benefit of our own sanity in this hour and for future generations. 

A Way into the future

Communication is a form of leadership. And right now the American people are starved for better communications, they are looking for leaders to follow, and they are desperately in need of truth. 

The absence of you taking communications seriously is damaging your cause and your purpose here in this hour of history. Yes communication matters that much. 

If we want a better life, more sustainable relationships, greater excellence in the marketplace, and victories in elections, we must learn to communicate. 

<![CDATA[How to Lose as Conservatives]]>Fri, 17 Nov 2023 18:49:26 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/how-to-lose-as-conservatives
We have to know what we are doing wrong if we ever want to see right results.
Conservatives lose when:
  • we arrogantly assume we are all supposed to agree on everything together
  • we assume we know it all
  • we do not take time to listen
  • we cannot contribute kindness to those who oppose us
  • we lash each other with our tongues, then spit others out with fiery condemnation, then wonder why no one wants to be around us
  • we demonstrate bad fruit, lack of follow through and irresponsible behavior
  • we lack integrity and kindness
  • we assume everyone thinks like us and has to believe like us in order to be effective
  • we focus only on the short term and not the long term
  • we destroy bridges faster than we can ever rebuild them
  • we wound others more than we contribute to solutions and healing
  • we shame those with wisdom and arrogantly wield our rants based on only having a piece of the truth

​In MY belief system God created us individually and wonderfully made. He does not create robots. There are NO TWO PEOPLE EXACTLY ALIKE so to assume we all have to be "pure" and agree on everything is insanity.

Hopefully more and more conservatives are waking up to our beauty as Republicans and conservatives: we all see things differently and that makes us better - TOGETHER!

We CAN be part of the solution in America but it first starts with a hard look at our own hearts, minds, and souls. How is our attitude and how much are we - as individuals - contributing to the collective problem?

Something for us all to think on and pray about.
<![CDATA[The Pro-Life Rally is Over - What Next?]]>Thu, 16 Nov 2023 01:06:52 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/the-pro-life-rally-is-over-what-nextAttending rallies and protests no longer enough to bring real change
NOTE: I dedicate this piece to all my friends, all the warriors, all the servants of this movement who have given their life, breath, and endless energy to this movement. I hope this post - and this hour in our culture - will rally more support to their side, like never before. You are my heroes.

I have to say what few have said. I must also say what will be uncomfortable to many. But someone has to peel back the bandaid and say truth.

If your idea of bringing change to society is to do protests, pickets, boycotts, and rallies - FOR ANY TOPIC - that is not enough. It will not bring the sustainable change that is needed. It is, in fact, the lazy way out if that is your only call to action.

To bring the change needed in our state, our nation, our communities we need 3 things:
  1. Repentant and humble hearts
  2. Wisdom and favor of Heaven
  3. To each do something on a consistent basis that requires us to roll up our sleeves and put sweat into the game, outside of rallies and protests

​We have to get out and serve our communities.


Around 5,000 citizens from all walks of life and all corners of Michigan gathered in Lansing, Michigan on Wednesday November 8, 2023 to mark the one year anniversary of the passage of the deceptive and destructive Proposal 3.

The weather was cold and rainy. But the atmosphere was sweet and holy. Citizens gathered in a compassionate and gentle manner, hoping their presence would send a message to the world: our work for pro-family and pro-life causes will not stop. We are here to help. We will not go away.

I am often not a big fan of these type of gatherings. This is where my logic comes into play (it is limited at times): people gather, but then what do they do after the party?
But there is a season for these types of gatherings. And this day was a holy encounter.

The truth of the matter is, many of these people put their blood, sweat and tears into doing all they can to help single moms, give pregnant women other options, and advocate for the unborn.

The problem is they need more of us to rally around them year round.


So beyond a public statement like a rally, what can you do?
  1. Reach out to local Pregnancy Centers, Right to Life Groups, and even Protect Life groups on local college campuses.
    1. Get on their email lists
    3. Offer to volunteer
    4. Tell your friends: promote their work and effort to people in your community to do the same. Help them grow their movement.
  2. Reach out to Clergy: help encourage, equip, and inspire them to speak up from the pulpit
  3. Hone in on young people: mentor them, invite them along for the process of getting involved, help them understand why it matters
  4. LOVE ON SINGLE MOMS in your community!
    1. Reach out to facilities like your homeless shelters and ask them “how can we help expectant mothers or single moms under your care? What are your needs?”
    2. Support the single moms in your community (your neighbor? A girl in your child’s school? A mom in your church?): find a way to build relationships with them and let them know, “you are not alone. What do you need?”
    3. Reach out to High school counselors: are they aware of all the pro-life resources available in the community?
    4. Reach out to medical facilities: can you bring them resources to share with families for pro-life resources in community?
    5. Contact the churches in your area: “here is a flyer of all the pro-life resources in the community. Please ask your parishioners to share.”
  5. Find people to run for office in local seats. Local matters.
    And when you ask them, “where do you stand on life” and they say, “this township seat or school board has nothing to do with life” tell them,

    “To know your position on life, abortion etc helps me understand your worldview and how you might judge things or what you might make priority. Our view on life impacts everything else around us. So while you may not ‘vote on abortion’ it does influence the priorities to issues you will give our community.”


DO NOT WAIT. For those who attended the rally in Lansing - let this moment be an inspiration to you to rally others to get off the couch and put their hand to work.
Start with supporting the groups that already exist. Help them get all the funding they need and more.

And may Michigan - while some would say we are in the shadows of death and defeat - be seen as full of a happy people who are rising from the ashes. May we be known as one of the most pro-life states in the nation where her people come out of the woodwork to love the hurting, to meet the needs of single moms, and who give their physical support to save lives.

This could be the historical moment we have been waiting for: let’s let our one day rally transition to a daily rally of doing more in practical ways in our communities to advocate for life.

And to those who have spent years serving in this arena, I salute you with all my heart. Now may God raise up some more friends to rally around you in every way!
<![CDATA[Why Homeschool Matters to Me]]>Thu, 19 Oct 2023 19:49:13 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/why-homeschool-matters-to-meThe secret is out: I was homeschooled for 12 glorious years and it was well worth it.
Here is the message I gave to homeschool families gathered at the State Capitol a few days ago. Watch it and let me know what you think!

Yes, I was homeschooled.

Some of you will say “ah hah! Now we know what is wrong with her! She was homeschooled!!!” You’re funny. Believe me, I’ve heard it all.

Everything from, “Wait, are you Amish?? Were you the Valedictorian of your class? How big was your basketball team? Did you have any friends?? Who was your favorite teacher!!”

All jesting aside, I get the jokes: homeschooling is an anomaly and in a world that focuses on individuals desperate to fit in, it feels like a very strange road to choose to stand out.

​Oh but what a beautiful road it is for those who are called to take it.

My parents did what they felt called by God to do: homeschool. For them it was a matter of obedience, not a matter of convenience. They chose the “new fangled” thing long before it was popular.

My parents were always open to me choosing to attend a traditional public school. Their standard statement was “We will take it a year at a time.”

I was never interested in really submersing myself in that public-school world. Oh sure, it had tantalizing moments like going to my cousins’ athletic games for the nearby high school and seeing the buzzing student section or the idea of going to Prom and getting dressed up or the appeal of always having “back to school new-clothes shopping.

​But for me, homeschooling was something I was content with sticking to until the end. And I did. 

If only people asked public school kids these same questions!!!

Yes, I had friends.

Yes, we did school out of the house. 

Yes, I had tests. Yes, I got lots of things wrong (ask my dad about all the tearful math lessons when I succumbed to one more wrong answer from good ol’ Saxon Math that my brain just didn’t compute).

Yes, my immediate fellow students were my siblings. Yes, my primary teachers were my parents. Yes, I didn’t have to do school all day and I got to get out earlier than other students or start the year late or get out a few months early.

But for me it was more than just the convenience. In fact, ease of education wasn’t the core value at all. 

NOTE: as I say the following, brand this into your head, “Amy is saying this about her story. It does not mean it’s the case for everyone.”

In the hour we are living in, educational choice is being explored, broken pieces of public education are being revealed, and education options are being scrutinized up one side and down the other. More and more families are considering homeschool.

And yet I realize that most homeschool families have no clue on the danger that is before them if more families don’t engage in civics.

The need for homeschool freedom has never been more real but the threat to squelch homeschool freedoms in my progressive leaning state is within reach.

We all need to be aware of this and extra clear on why home education is valuable for those called to embrace it. For me, homeschool choice matters:
  • Homeschool helped lay a firm foundation under my feet: I learned to love who I am, to see myself in juxtaposition against a Heavenly Father, not the image in the mirror.

    I got up close and personal with history, building relationships with those who had lived longer than me, and came to cherish our conversations and lessons learned. I was taught to value wisdom.

    I was set up for success for the long term in my walk with God. It was more than just “let us go to youth group and hope truth sticks” but instead it was setting my life up so that seeking God became a habit, something I personally saw the value in pursuing.
  • Homeschool gave me an ability to expand life with varying age groups. Friendships were built with senior neighbors, grandparents, friends’ parents, and little ones. We learned how to do life - as life really is: not living in a bubble of people your own age, but learning to value and cherish every age.
  • Homeschool set me up to value family. Home education puts you in a format that you are forced to come to know, respect and cherish the lives of the people under the same roof as you. You come to know parents as people who value you and you can respect. And siblings were not the enemy (all the time :)) but friends to adore and help. Especially as you mature and learn together, you come to recognize your differences, sharpen your character skills, and you make some of the best memories.
  • Homeschool helped me to appreciate freedom. My dad served in Vietnam, both Grandpas were in World War II. I was fortunate to grow up in a big family that deeply loved and respected those who serve in the local community and abroad to protect and defend.

    Mom was always cutting out articles that highlighted freedom or intriguing ideas. We used watching and discussing world news as education. We analyzed topics and always saw it up close against the backdrop of family who had served, understanding freedom is not free. There was something about this “rooting” that made my commitment and loyalty deep to this nation and the blood that has been spilt to make it possible. My experience in homeschool solidified my love of America.
For me homeschool worked. 
For me I was put in an place that I was allowed to love myself, allowed to love my desire for independence, was given space to explore and spread my wings alongside a safety net that accepted me and pushed me. For me, homeschool was the healthy foundational thing to do.

My parents did what was right for me - because that’s what God knew I needed. It isn’t like this for everyone. But parents deserve that right to do what they think is best for their child.

Progressive ideology is so funny: they are big about touting the headlines they know our emotions want but they are bad about following out those “appealing promises.”
  • Children should have independence to choose their sex, they say. But our questions back to them should be: Really, how does that work? Who will be there to pick up the pieces? How do you know progressives that this is really a struggle they are dealing with or something they are doing because in the moment it’s ‘trending’?
  • Children should be able to choose what to do with their bodies, they say. But our questions to them should be, really, how does that work, Progressives? You can shuttle a girl to an abortion clinic but who will be there to pick up the psychological pieces or deal with the emotional struggle?
  • Everyone should be able to do sports, they say. We ask, Okay, Progressives. that sounds good but what if some kids don’t want to? What if that is not a priority for a parent? Maybe they would be better off doing robotics or choir or some additional activity? How are we making all of those departments on equal playing fields? Why do we elevate and glorify sports more than other activities?
  • Everyone should graduate on time, they say. We must ask, Wow that sounds good. But Progressives why are you moving students from grade to grade when they aren’t ready? When they cannot read? When they are struggling? Where is the space for them to be individual and learn at their own pace. We understand it’s all about the numbers for you but stop - will you determine what is best for the child?
  • Parents’ involvement is welcomed in the classroom, they say. We must continue to ask, Really? Do you really believe that? Or are you wanting our help only for certain items on the list and you would like us to leave you alone on everything else? If you really mean what you say, why don’t school boards celebrate our questions, why aren’t school administrators eager to explain things to us?
A parent or guardian must be the one to determine what is best for a child. They must have options to choose. 

The question right now in my state of Michigan is how long will this state be a wonderful place to homeschool?

Thankfully, most homeschool families have not had to be engaged because so many leaders back in the 80’s and 90’s set up a great foundation so that their freedoms would be cherished. But now with progressive leadership at every corner, most families do not realize that they are in the sights of the parents. I go into the details here.

Homeschool regulations and clamp downs has been the craving desire of progressives for a long time. Like the salivating cougar who can see the red meat on the other side of the glass, they now see a way to get to homeschoolers.

There is no checks and balances. The House and Senate do not have stop gaps like they have had in the past.
  • Progressives control the House.
  • Progressives control the Senate.
  • Progressives ideology sits in the Governor’s seat.
A bill could be put forth tomorrow that flies through committees, gets voted through the House Floor, gets agreed on by the Senate and lands on the Governor’s desk before you have a chance to lock your windows.

They want you. They have always wanted you. And government regulation and curriculum requirements and increased testing and standards for teachers is around the corner. And it will happen if we are not careful.

Homeschool freedom is a treasure for those who are called to embrace it. And the freedom must remain. The development of a nation depends on its existence. 

Progressives want us to believe we are all the same, we all have to fit in a cookie cutter. I don’t know whether to be livid at them or to pity them. That is not who God made us to be.

There are no two children alike. There are no two spouses who agree on everything. There is no perfect system. But there is a perfect God who created us just as we are, for this moment, with our unique skills.

I had two homeschool friends growing up that graduated early because they chose to power through their schooling so they could move on. That is spectacular. Public schools would have wanted to “hold them back” - don’t rush ahead too far! Stay where you are! Let others catch up! Don’t let them feel bad by being behind!” For their family it was what was right.

That’s the thing with homeschooling: you figure out that it’s not the “human standards” that matter ultimately.

I think the ideal is for parents to choose what is best for their child:
  • Maybe it is public school where their child can thrive
  • Maybe it is Christian or classical school
  • Maybe it is online which fits best for them
  • Maybe it is homeschool
Parents should always have the choice to do what is best for their child. We need more and more healthy students who can thrive to their limits so that they are ready to lead our generation into the next season.

​Parents must have the option and the freedom to school as they choose best. Always. And government does not need to have the reins on this “system.”

For me it was homeschooling and I am glad my parents chose that route. It made all the difference to me. 
<![CDATA[Why Communication Matters]]>Wed, 20 Sep 2023 17:01:04 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/why-communication-matters
Many of our current elected leaders are doing good things, taking a stand, and getting creative. However, if those on the outside don’t hear it, see it, or read it, they won’t know it. 
Communication happens whether we want it to or not.

Communication is not something you can assume someone else is doing. Well, not if you want to be a good leader, to bring change and to hold a team together. 

When conservatives and Republicans don’t communicate, someone or something else fills the void. Either, the Progressives (the opposition) or those who only have part truths (the conspiracy news sources for example) will flood the space with their message and their agenda.

This perplexes me because as Conservatives we are the ones who advocate for solutions, hope, health, and independence. Is it that Conservatives don’t know how to message their topics? Or they are afraid of doing the work?  

The longer the communication void exists, the greater the silence, the more the distrust and agitation grows on the part of the concerned base. 

So what’s a solution? 


There are 6 easy steps to start making it a priority: 
  1. Commit to it 
  2. Understand your target audience
  3. Recognize what platforms you already have within easy reach 
  4. Communicate OUT with a smile, brevity, and hope whether it’s via video, press release, or emails 
  5. Push on multiple platforms (avenues)
  6. Follow up - don’t just assume you do it once in one spot it will get out 

You have to be: 
  • Clear about what you believe 
  • Talk about what you believe and what you are doing 
  • Inspire others through your messaging 
  • And repeat 

Is communicating inconvenient? Sure. Anything excellent is not easy. But is it worth it? Well, ask yourself if you enjoy tension and misery from your voting block, your target market, and how excited they will be when it comes to re-election? 
  • Does your audience currently feel hopeful? 
  • Do they feel informed? 
  • Do they contact you with appreciation for what you are doing? 
  • Are there ways some of the voters can partner with you for success? 

​Newsflash: never treat the voting block as “all the same.” There are soem incredible people out living life who are hungry to be part of what you are doing and to hear how they can help. Yes, communications is worth the trouble.

It’s something Republicans and conservatives can no longer compromise. We must make communications a priority. 

  • AJH 
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<![CDATA[The Thing That Will Crush You]]>Mon, 28 Aug 2023 02:25:59 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/the-thing-that-will-crush-you
I wrote this on a Sunday ... on a topic God is challenging me on. Drop your comments below to let me know what you think. 

It feels so right we tell Ourselves boldly.
It sounds so good we whisper when doubt.
It appears so delightful, tantalizing and free!
Everyone else is doing it - I just want to be me!

It lets us be first - always it seems.
We can live by pure wants and human extremes.
We can idolize, stoke, and please it with whims.
We can go with our feelings again and again

​There is danger to let it play out at full throttle.
To elevate, oppresses and holds back our potential.
To worship it causes us to lose out on dreams.
To live by it will not bring the results that we think.

There is a tantalizing poison among us.
It has been here since the beginning of time.
It is loud, proud, and deadly to those who live by it.
It will cost you real joy, peace, wholeness and life.

Self is that which I speak! Self is what we must show!
Our nation is plagued - this awful disease.
Our classrooms, our boardrooms, our homes and our hearts.
Yearn to make Self - and self only- lord, god, and king.

We follow it, stoke it, cuddle it close!
We rationalize it, protect it, and defend it thru time.
We say we are victim if our self isn’t first.
We challenge other Selves for ignoring our worth.

How silly are we a nation of Selves.
We miss the true beauty of life it would seem.
To live the best life means to surrender it all
To let Only One be Lord, God and King.

Yes my self sure has value but all at His feet.
Partnered with Him is nothing to compete
Oh how He loves me but He knows the me I surrender.
And when I do it I live all the better.

​If only my nation would open its eyes
Surrender ourselves without compromise
We would know waves of healing and miracles galore
But first we must oust “me and self” right out the door.
Read More on Substack
<![CDATA[Why Doesn't the Conservative Movement Run as a Business?]]>Fri, 18 Aug 2023 18:15:25 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/why-doesnt-the-conservative-movement-run-as-a-businessAs a business you know your market, you have a good product, and you build relationships (for a lifetime) with the customers ...
It is time that Republicans start to see our party as a business. We are not just a clearing house for those who want a stepping stone to become a big deal.

We should stop with the game of “social club” or behaving like we are in 8th grade where the cool kids fight for popularity.

The Republican Party of America should be seen as:
  • The group of people with hope
  • A team of people with varying perspectives and respect for those who are different than you
  • Hard workers, strategic, and pragmatic
  • The brand of integrity
  • The family always seeking solutions and for ways to serve our community
  • The tribe that is aiming to build and not tear down
  • People who do what they promise, and act out what they talk about (aka demonstrate integrity)

We should be seen as the happy warriors not the sad and bitter girlfriend who didn’t get her way. (Am I wrong?)

We are the universe where conservatives should know to go for:
  • Truth, always based on conservative principles
  • Strategies for how to win
  • Opportunities for how to serve the conservative team
  • Connections for resources
  • Opportunities for fellowship, community and friendship

Like a business there is profit and loss, accountability, and a deep understanding of the market. 

Therefore, we should be:
  • Producing content our target market wants
  • Meeting our target market at their pain points
  • Taking time to listen to our target market and community
  • Communicating outward what we are thinking and doing
  • Always staying fluid for changing our optics and approaches
  • Always staying rooted in our fundamental principles

A girl can dream can’t she? What would happen if we started treating our parties like a business? Instead of how they are currently running?

It’s time we win as conservatives again. Let’s run this ship like a business. Thoughts?
Originally posted on Substack. Read it here.
<![CDATA[What Questions Should Republicans Be Asking?]]>Mon, 07 Aug 2023 18:08:49 GMThttp://www.amyjaynehawkins.com/blog/what-questions-should-republicans-be-asking
If we want to save America (and we do) and we want the conservative cause to win (and we should), we have to have a professional plan for victory which includes a marketing and communication approach.

Is your local party ready?
The Map to Success
In order to win in politics, you must have people. People who believe in you, are excited about you, and who are eager to help. Whether it’s in dollars or phone calls or just positive support - all help is important.

In order to “have” people, you must reach people. In order to reach people you must communicate. And in order to communicate you have to do more than just periodic emails or once in a while posts on the good you are doing via a radio interview. It’s not enough.

For Republicans to hit it out of the ballpark on communications you must have:
  • A clear and inspirational vision
  • An energizing and authentic message
  • And a brand
A brand is like the “cream on top”. When you look at a cake you can tell “what is this cake, does it look appealing? Who is it made by? Oh I know their reputation! Not only does it look, smell good but it has a credible baker! Yes! I like this brand!

What are we known for as Republicans? What do we want to be known for?

In order to have a great brand as Republicans, first we have to ask some significant questions.

What Questions Republicans Should Be Asking: 
  • Who is my target market?
  • How is my target market doing?
  • What are the issues weighing on their minds and hearts?
  • How can I build relationships with my target market?
  • What are their pain points? What answers are they looking for that they don’t even know to “ask the questions of yet”?
  • How can I let them know I hear them, and I see them and that I understand?
  • What is our brand? As a collective party but even on the local level?
  • What do we want our brand to be? 
  • How are we perceived now? 
  • What do we want to change and how do we get there? 
  • What are the calls to action we want to inspire our members with?
  • What is our story? As a whole organization (state, national, local)?  
  • How do we build relationships with the media?
  • What is our long term marketing goal? 
  • What is our short term marketing goal? 
  • What are the top 5-10 talking points? 
These are just a few of the introspective questions we as conservatives must be asking about our own individual selves (we each have a brand), and our organizations and movements.

Eyes on the Target Market
The biggest thing Republicans need to do right now is better understand their audience.

Michigan citizens are:
  • hurting
  • frustrated
  • angry
  • worn out
  • exhausted
  • scared
  • discouraged
  • but still hanging on to the hope for freedom

Michigan citizens are looking for a hero. But they won’t have it until the Republicans and conservatives start asking some questions and pursuing some answers.

We must never lose sight of the target market. They are the ones who get us into power or who take us out. It’s time they start to feel a little more tender, love and care.

I’ll continue to pursue this topic and welcome your feedback, ideas and questions!

​Originally posted on Substack. Follow Amy there.
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