God always has a plan for bringing redemption to society but sadly, the majority of His Kids have been running from their callings, falling short on the mission God has compelled them to fulfill, and the world is suffering for it. THE ABSENCE OF CULTURE’S LEADERS
Humans love to blame others for troubles, problems, and hiccups. Even Christians. We blame:
But it’s time Christians stop blaming others or even pointing one tiny finger. Why? Because we are the solutions that have been missing and our absence has created a disaster. For those who are Christ followers, the Word is our guide. It is something we should be familiar with that drives our priorities and our focus. It is the very thing that refines our hearts and gives us great revelation. In God’s Word He said, “You are my Ambassadors …” and “You are the light of the world … and You are the salt of the earth.” His Word meant something when He penned it and it means something now. When He says “You have access to the strategies of Heaven” and “You have access to the keys of the kingdom” - He is telling you and me, “The problems that exist in City Hall and in the local School classroom and the pressing matter in the downtown commerce area where businesses are suffering, I have given you, John, Amy, Mary, Tim - the answers! The WORLD cannot hear me in the same way you can. But if you don’t show up - how will they know?” In truth, perhaps we should be more in awe that things are not worse. It is by God’s mercy that things have not imploded sooner. It is impressive there is as much semblance of order as there is now. We should be grateful for any presence of rational dialogue and grateful society is still operating with at least some rule of law. The question is: why are things not worse than this? As I process everything that is happening, I find myself wanting to ask Christians, Why are you surprised at corruption? Why are you distrubed at the absence of morals, virtue, and healthy standards? What do you expect society to look like when Christians have been largely absent for decades from the marketplace? What do you expect families, commerce, and community to be when those who are supposed to influence things aren’t showing up? It is no secret that Christians (in general) wash their hands of society, sitting on the sidelines and criticizing, or are willfully unaware. It is the brand - to this point - that when they do step into the arena, oftentimes they wear their passion on their sleeve and assume that the world will readily adhere to their loud and demanding speeches, not realizing they are causing themselves to look like a fool in their lack of situational awareness and understanding for how to be effective in the culture to which they have entered. I.e. When we do show up, we have shown up as fools. It is time for us to change the paradigm because in truth - we are the pleasant missing ingredient from a healthy functioning society, if we will operate with wisdom, understanding and be present. You might tell me I'm being too harsh but I’m speaking this as someone who has been in the arena for almost 2 decades. We are in need of your presence. And I don’t want the world receiving the blame when the Heroes and Knights and Shining Armor - God’s Ambassadors - haven’t been showing up but instead have been casting blame and hiding out. I write this because it’s time someone speaks the truth and it’s also right to say “we have a chance to redeem” and it’s not too late to come join me. YOU TOLD HIM TO LEAVE In 1962, culture gave permission for God to stay out of education. In 1973 culture told God “we don’t like Your definition of life.” Along the way, culture has told Him: We don’t like Your definition on marriage, or what defines perverseness, or how we define truth. We have informed Him by what has been allowed, legislated, and legalized that, “We want to do life our way, in our time, and we really don’t need You interfering.” Christians - overall - have said, “Yeah, we are okay with that too, God!” Well. Haven’t we? Our absence - in mass - from society has not conveyed a winsome depiction of a reason to do things God’s way. Goodness, we haven’t even been showing up at town hall gatherings because “we have enough ‘else to do today!” We have not looked at culture as a community to serve, but as one that is in our way and one to fear so as not to engage. We have not made the sacrifices to calibrate our family lives around civic involvement. Instead we have set the priority as kids’ sports games, and athletic challenges, and needing to work late tonight - sorry can’t make it. We have used every excuse under the sun to not be showing up, to avoid, to ignore, to deflect on someone else what is taking place. Those who do not claim Christ as Lord have the ability and freedom to dismiss what is taking place. But to people like you and me who say Christ is my Anchor and my Compass, we have to pay attention to what His Word says about civic engagement and our role to be engaged in the preservation of society. The Father is a gentleman. He doesn’t go where He’s not wanted. And He has left society to our own devices and implosion. And one of the many “blessings” of the past year and a half of the panic - has been to shake everything that could be shaken and show us that wait, maybe God really is the One we need after all. And He positioned His Kids in the earth to be Ambassadors of His Love, and solutions. But when we don’t show up -- culture implodes. And for that we should not be surprised. MISSING FROM THE ARENA For decades God’s Marketing and PR firm representatives, His mediators, legal minds, creative solution generators, problem solvers, strategists, life coaches and movement coordinators haven’t shown up for work. Christians. We have not been in the public space where “things are happening” -- to be able to recommend solutions or other ways of doing things. We have not been pushing back on vile acts. We have not replaced poor leaders with worthy ones. We have not figured out how to do a better strategy than the world. And we have not been avenues for the very hope and solutions from Heaven that God yearns to give, and a nation so desperately needs. Oh my beloved fellow Christians - how we have missed the mark for influence:
We have been great at “talking right” but living right, and serving first would get us a 0 star on Yelp. And yet. Now that we see the empty ways of the world implode, we look aghast, “How could this happen??” Better yet, “How could they have let this happen?” They? There is no “they.” It’s we. How could WE have let this happen? It’s the world with which you have higher demands - but it’s the Church that has the highest responsibility for influence. Christians hold the answers but they haven't been there. So the question is, then, is it “the world’s” fault that their product resembles darkness and deviousness -- or is it the Christians’ fault because “we’ve been hiding out, waiting for Jesus to return” and news flash -- He’s not coming for along time. But now we sure have a mess of a world on our hands. So what world are we leaving the next generation? EVEN NOW - WHERE ARE YOU? In truth, we owe an apology to all the world leaders who have been trying to drive the car on fumes while we hold onto the gas (aka access to truth and real Solutions). We also need to honor those who understood their role eons ago - and have stood alone for so long. This past year and a half has been trying on every angle of society and communities. Whether family members have suffered due to the virus, or your business had shut down, or you have had new opportunities open up - everyone has been touched. But what continues to amaze me - is Where is the Church? Even today. Where are the Christians that send their kids to public schools -- speaking at school board meetings? Where are they readjusting schedules to speak up for freedom and the value of choice in their local city councils and township meetings? Where are they showing up to community opportunities, and raising their hand to say “Here we are! We will help?” I realize many Americans will merge as quickly as they can back into a “normal flow of culture'' and try to forget about what has happened but honestly they aren’t the target of my ire. Where are the Christians? Does freedom not matter to you? Do you know what is happening in your kids’ school? Do you think that the egregious encroachment of government control will go away after this? Do you think that you have no role to play? The past year and a half is - among many things - showing us what the nature of the church looks like in America. Sadly, I think we may be a community of soft snowflakes, and not people with backbones who know the Father of Truth, want to love others to the truth, and are willing to stand -- and be part of the solutions. No. Jesus is not coming back soon. No. Troubles of this world are not specific to you only - it’s been promised since the beginning. No, the groanings of this world have been here since the implosion of A and E Leadership in The Garden. We aren’t the answer but the One we House is - and He shows up through us. Are we miserable enough yet? Because the world has tried - and been found wanting - and they would really appreciate it if we were ready to step up to the plate and say, “Here, I know Someone Who has an answer for that… let me help.” And by our presence, and our actions of service, we provide an avenue for the world to see Jesus. We provide an avenue for the Father to download revelations that will make all the difference to hurting populations and community groups. We are His Ambassadors. And it’s beyond time for us to get to work. The ball is in our court. If we want a better nation and society - it’s time we say, “Here I am Coach! Put me in.” Otherwise, we have no one to blame for the lack of virtue, freedom, and religious liberty -- than ourselves. And how very sad is that.
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November 2024