There is pain in the arena of civic engagement. It is not all sunshine, lollypops, ease, and convenience. It hurts. It is slow. It gets personal. And at times there are setbacks.
For those who have been involved in the civic process of America for longer than 10 years, you know that there are ebbs and flows but that the high waves will calm down and the calm moments will get high again. You have to pace yourself, and keep your eye on the bigger picture. We are needed now more than ever. We cannot stay away because of the discomfort. We must admit sometimes the pain is worth it if it gets us to a better place. NEW YEAR NEW YOU So as you start this new year, committed to being involved, what are the top 2 things you can do to make a difference?
That’s it. Education is the foundation of everything. From the moment a baby is born, they are taught: who is in charge, if they are loved, when they get fed, what is dangerous, and what is safe.
With the arrival of a new year, often comes new priorities, and adjusted cultural climates. If the results of General Election 2022 taught us anything, it’s that education is going to be more hot than ever. How do I know that education will still matter in 2023? Because it involves people and it has always mattered, not just now when it has been the trending thing to do. Here are a list of the podcasts and books that have captured my attention this season. Perhaps there are some that will pique your interest. Let me know what you think:
Yes, there is a lot happening in the world. I cannot save the world. I can only do that which God is compelling me to do. But during the holidays it is so good to have time to read these books and others, and to listen to podcasts on my run. Maybe these will inspire you as well!
Big business, big Church, big ministry, big candidates, big causes. What do they need?
Their message told. Who tells their message? Their paid advertisements, their robocalls, their endless snail mailers, and periodic email lists. But their best source? People. Where do people hang out? Online. Should they? It’s not a matter of should they. They do. It's the current reality. WHY THIS SPACE MATTERS You as an entity who needs to mobilize the masses - be it 10 or 100,000 buyers, consumers, supporters etc need to understand facts: your audience is online, waiting to be engaged with by you, or someone who will quickly take your place. If you win them over, people are your best source of advertisement. They will perpetuate your story, invite more people into your community, and will become your biggest fans when they feel you have connected with them. But have you connected with them? Do they feel you are more - spammy and cold online? Or do they feel like they could invite you over for a cup of coffee because you, yes you as a brand, a candidate, a ministry, a business, an entity - are human? This, my friend, is why you need to do social media, email and good websites and do it well. ![]() You have a vision for changing the world. You want to find a new job, or maybe you are just eager to have people show up to a worthy event. You want others to know about your new business, or you want community leaders to understand a crucial issue facing your town. Perhaps you have a new candidate you are excited to promote for the next election, a meeting you want someone to attend, or you just want to get to know more people. But, how do you do it? How do you meet the right people, get them to listen to you, spread the word, or initiate conversation? You need to network. I’m going to help you understand how. Imagine one day that voters can say:
“I knew the Republican Party and her leaders really cared about me after engaging with them on social media.” “I learned more about what it means to be a conservative and a Republican by the content they provided on social media.” “I got involved in my local community to make an impact for conservative ideas, because of the resources the GOP provided to me through social media.” A pioneer looks at history, assesses the moment they are standing in, and ways “what needs to happen in our future.”
But a true pioneer also says “God, what would You have me do now in this hour and time I’m on this earth, with and for You?” Experts will say: that’s not how we do it. Experienced leaders say: it’s never done that way! Wise people say: trust me. I know how. I’ll show you. But I don’t want to let the experts or experienced or wise LEAD me. I want Holy Spirit to lead me and when He says so - to let these sources guide me. I will not use my time on this earth to be a copy cat of anyone else. I will learn from the wise and experienced and I will walk humbly with them and my God. If He says “do the new thing, the new way, rattle their cages and I’ll show the way…” I’ll do it. And I’ll stand in awe of what He will do. And how He will use me. And how the experts too will learn, be blessed, and benefit. Going with God into new territory. Doing what He says even if no one else understands. This is what is right and good and true. That’s what true pioneers do. Holy Spirit lead the way… I'm about to be tarred and feathered for what I'm about to post but - it's all truth and if people know me well enough they know I don't go "blunt" at a whim. It is time that some of the loud activists get challenged on their tone and approach to elections.
Let's start with the basics. Whoever gets the most votes wins. Period. And whoever gets less votes loses. God always has a plan for bringing redemption to society but sadly, the majority of His Kids have been running from their callings, falling short on the mission God has compelled them to fulfill, and the world is suffering for it.
This past year and a half has been a challenging - and thrilling - roller coaster. It would take a novel for all of us to detail the emotions, absurdities, and stark contrasts that have been revealed during the “COVID19” ride (you know how Democrats get freedom, and the little people don’t). We have all experienced the fear of friends and family, the uncertainty of our own livelihoods, the poor leadership from culture’s megaphones, and the unending struggle with power by governors and other institutional figureheads.
My faith has allowed me to see things through a hopeful lens even in the moments of oppression and sorrow. And my close to two decades in politics gives me a broader perspective as to why we have what we have and why what many grassroots are demanding is a little premature, for this moment. Momentarily, the pressure points in our nation find us facing a few giants: the “passing” of COVID19 leaves a disaster in its wake. Businesses have closed, families are divided, children are suffering under masks in school, and the list goes on. One of the redemptive parts of this season is that at the root of it all is an uprising of grassroots activists, and citizens: they have had enough of this fear-game for power. They (we!) want their freedom back and they are ready to live again. However, with their excitement to engage comes a list of demands. My concern is that where we find ourselves as a nation is not due to elected leaders as a whole. The demands are not always realistic, and the nation we desire to “get back to” may take a few decades to rebuild. If we are going to be effective - and we can be - we have to have the long game in mind. We did not get here overnight and there is no way we will change it in the traditional American’s favorite speed of fast. Confession: My heart has been heavy the last few days. And, In moments of discouragement and frustration, it’s really easy for me to lean on the concept, “Maybe I should move out of Michigan!!” Run away! Give up! Quit trying! Obviously that is not the answer. But I find it’s okay to acknowledge my humanness and in the midst of these emotions - I also experience encouragement coming my way. Perspective is crystalized and I realize this isn’t my end -- it’s just another refining part of the journey. A CROWD OF CHEERLEADERS
I’m guessing you too often feel discouraged when trying to conquer the mountain of life and change culture. You feel like with every step forward, you take 10 steps backwards and that people who should be making the journey easier were actually making it harder. Or maybe it feels like there are more “doom and gloom” signs than signs of progress, breakthrough and justice for truth, righteousness, and holiness. At least at times. Am I right? Good. I’m not alone. I remember being in a seminar when my boss used an analogy to make the point: there are two sides to every situation, and one’s perception of the scenario differs based on what lens they are looking through.
He held up a dollar bill to an attentive audience. “What do you see?”, he asked of a willing participant. The audience member described the pictures and details on the side of the bill he was presented. Then my boss flipped it over. “Now, what do you see?”, he asked. And - again - the observer described a set of notations and depictions. Only these were different from the first side. He summarized his point: It’s two different descriptions and perspectives, but it’s one bill. In a similar way, many occurrences or situations in life can have more than one accurate description. Oh if only we as consumers of information would embrace that point. You have been reading the news, watching the commentators, listening to the radio, and frequenting trustworthy media sources. You are reading the prophetic voices, you are jumping on board with the calls for prayer.
You join the chorus of believers who are passionate about defending our nation, you are ready to take a stand and do something for freedom and truth, but you cannot figure out where in the world to start. You hear all the Voices saying, “people of faith must get involved! We must pray and redeem the hour!” But you sit there and scratch your head, and search your spirit pondering, “How?? Where are the specifics for how Christians can jump into the arena and change things? I don’t know what to do! And besides - can one person really make a change?” This piece is going to tell you where to start. WHO I AM Before you take anyone’s word for anything you should always find out who they are and what their experience is to begin teaching you. Side note: but even Professors. If they have not lived what they preach in the real world, scrutinize with special inquiry what they say. Therefore, before you believe what I'm about to tell you, you need to know more about me. I worked for 12 years in the Political arena. I was the Executive Director of a statewide organization and PAC that was one of the leading voices in my state for traditional family values. I also wrote the packet and oversaw the process for 17 staff during a Presidential campaign to make sure we mobilized, informed and educated church and college voters. In my non-profit work, I drove grassroots efforts, trained activists, educated voters, screened candidates, monitoring public policy, working alongside lawmakers. I wrote the manuals, I organized the trainings, and I pointed people to resources. Beyond it being a job - it was (and is) a passion for me. While I no longer work with that particular organization, I do have a passion to see that people of faith join me in the arena and do our part to stand for truth and preserve our blessed nation. You don’t have to work in Politics, but I do believe that we are called to influence the marketplace. So whether it is in media, business, government, entertainment you have a role to play. I believe that as an American, we are all called to different marketplaces and roles in society but I believe that as responsible Christians, we have a role to be responsible ChrIstian citizens. SO for example you may say, “Amy I hate politics. My passion is teaching children.” My response - awesome. I’m not saying you are called to be an elected official. But I am saying that you need to step up and utilize the right you have been given to vote and to monitor those who are making decisions for you in the marketplace. But Amy I hate politics. You are focused on the wrong thing (Forgive me for the bluntness). Politics is not for everyone but government is. Government impacts everything about us. Think I’m joking? Stop and consider it: what kind of taxes we pay on roads, how much our milk costs, what side of the street we can drive on, when businesses can open and close, when and where houses can be built, when you can get divorced, when you can see your children, when you can remove your child from school etc etc etc. It impacts everything. My concern is: as people of faith we need to be aware of and keep our eye on who is making these decisions for us. So your role is: 1. Love Jesus. 2. Do what God has called me to do in society (business owner, stay at home mom etc) and then 3. Vote and care about who my leaders are. GROUND RULES I am still learning. I don’t have all the answers. But I do have a few specific beliefs:
I could go on. But that is enough fundamentals to get started. MORE SIMPLE THAN WE KNOW Besides praying, what can we do? We can do a lot. Here are the very basics: 1 - Do you vote? And are you aware that there are elections more than once a year? Even in non-Presidential years? This means that ballot initiatives, local offices, state offices, policies are being voted on at the ballot box even when there is not a Presidential or Governor election. Every state varies. So stalk your State’s Secretary of State website. And if they don’t find what you need, call them. Also contact your local county and city clerk. Here is what you are looking for:
When it comes to voting, yes you choose a party. But even more importantly you need to understand your local governing operation. I.e. Call the City Clerk for example (or find it online) and just let them know you are working to be informed. When are the elections, etc. Disclaimer: Michigan’s website is wonderful. You can type in your address and it will generate information for me. It will tell me my specific region. Where I vote, when I vote, and what the upcoming elections are. Be prepared. As elections approach, you can get access to your ballot ahead of time and this will allow you to research the candidates. Leave yourself plenty of time. If you feel like voting is a “Job” and challenge that means you have met reality. It is not simple and it should not be simple. We are electing people who will make decisions impacting our very lives. We are choosing who gets our tax dollars, who is making decisions for our communities, and who is voting on policies that will shape us for generations to come. Be prepared and you will quickly find you can be ahead on things and you will become a go-to person for others as they look to get informed. 2 - Get to Know Your Local Area. Most of the news you hear talk about is on National and Statewide policies. But did you know that your local community more than likely has all of or some of the following (as you review the list consider - do I know these people and was I aware of their existence)?
Now, before you get overwhelmed - stop yourself. All you need to accept this moment is one thing: “where i live has local leaders that impact my life. And I need to get to know more.” Period. Congratulations. Sit on that for a couple days and come back to it. 3) Start Researching. It’s that simple. Step 1: Go to the Official Offices Go to your local Secretary of State, Local Township or City Council office and ask them to help you, based on where you live, and where you do business (if you are a business owner - where your property is located) who are your representatives. Your list of leaders will look something like this:
I know. It’s a lot. But I’m listing it out so you have an idea. But I’m telling you that you should start local. Step 2: Find Out More Now that you have their names, start to find out more about them. - Do they have websites?
Step 3: Get Personal Send an email to the leader introducing yourself. It does not have to be long or fancy but could be something as simple as this: Dear Councilwoman Smith: I have been a long time resident of this area. In the last few months I have become more convinced that I would like to be involved in my local community. I am eager to get to know the leaders who represent me, such as yourself. I am a local businessman that has been in the community for 30 plus years. I have raised my family here, have deep friendships, and I am passionate about seeing our community succeed. I would love to get to know you more. Where can I learn more about you, your policies, your beliefs? In addition, I would love to be more involved as a citizen. If you are ever in need of volunteers, or friends in the community I would love to engage with you. I realize we may not agree on everything - but that is okay. Here is my contact information if and when I can ever be of service. I look forward to attending future City Council meetings. Thank you for your willingness to serve our community. Sincerely, John Brown Find out who is your Mayor. Who is the person on the City Council that represents you? Where would your children go to school and get to know who the school board is? Send them personal emails, or call their offices for a friendly conversation. Even if you determine they stand for everything you oppose, recognize that they are the sitting elected leader for this season until the next election. So you have two choices: stay silent and sit in the background and watch things possibly not go so well or use this season to build a friendship with someone you might not normally have common ground with. But now you do. They represent you. So why not use this moment to show them the kindness of God? 4) Get out there: Seek to know, and be known. Attend meetings. Yes you CAN go sit in the back of a School board meeting. And no, you don’t have to stay the whole time. Go for 20 minutes. You won’t have to speak if you don’t want to. You can just go and listen. It’s your right as a community member. Check them out on social media. Sign up for email lists. The simple answer is start today to get involved in Your local communities. And it’s imperative to do it sooner rather than later. If you see them in the grocery store, go out of your way to introduce yourself. If they live in your neighborhood, stop by to take them homemade cookies. If you drive by their office, stop in and leave a note with the secretary: “I just wanted you to know I appreciate you and am praying for you.” Leave a thank you note to encourage them. It is good and right to know what is happening on the national, international and statewide level. But what is happening in your city council? Who is your mayor? What policies are the school board deciding on this week? And did you know that you don’t have to be an elected official to make a difference? Give the elected leaders a chance to meet you; you will also find that it will be easier than you realized to have influence in their lives. Many of them will find you to be an answer to prayer. They are bearing a heavy load and oftentimes do not have the men and women they need even as active citizens to help them do the best of jobs for your community. 5) Encourage Others to Join You It is time for more and more citizens to be inspired to take action, as well as pray. You will be amazed that people have been waiting for you to ask them to be part of changing things. Sometimes people do not know where to start but you can be that answer for them. CONCLUSION In James (James 2:14-26) it highlights that faith without action is dead. It is time that we as Christians take ourselves to task with what or how we have not been involved in our local level of society. God is a God of redemption. So while things are “burning at the top” now is our chance to rebuild things at the local level. This is our chance to be the Nehemiah's of this generation and rebuild the foundations of our society. Stay tuned for more resources. The best is yet to come. Life is hard. It was never meant to be easy. We were never guaranteed a safe passage from womb to tomb. We - in fact - were not made for insignificance. The fact we have had any “ease” at all is the miracle. The truth that our role as Christians is supposed to be hard is good and glorious truth.
PERSPECTIVE Did you ever notice how we do not inspire to be lazy people? We do not look at the foolish man who spends his day wasting time, and not aspiring to anything, “Wow, I want to be like him!” or the casual girl who throws her pearls before swine and think, “Oh I hope my daughter aspires to her someday.” No, we get goosebumps when we see acts of heroism. Our spirits leap when we hear endeavors of courage and how God came through. We jump to our feet when we hear testimony of miracles, answered prayers, and moments of conversion. We go to sleep at night thinking of heroic things we might be able to accomplish. We train to win a marathon because it’s hard - but it’s an accomplishment. We work extra hard for a nice vacation because we know that hard work is - well, hard - but the reward will be worth it. We tell the story over and over of David and the stones and slingshot taking down Goliath. We do not teach our young ones: “Avoid every challenge in life so you never have to go against a Goliath.” Oh no, we read these stories and celebrate these stories because we WANT to be part of being big and courageous for God. And we want our children to understand that when you afce something big - with God you can conquer giants. I look at this past year in America and I have a mix of emotions. On one hand I want to give the Chinese yahoos a good talking to for how they released the virus on our shores and our people. I want to wring the necks of every leader that has allowed bad elections to progress for the past 40 years. I want to weep at the amount of corruption and how far we’ve gotten from the sweet walk with the Father as a nation. I want to scream at all citizens who have been callous and carefree for the past 60 years - convinced that “they didn’t need to do anything, or taking God out of school wasn’t worth fighting for.” Sigh. Welcome to Amy’s transparent thoughts but I figure it might be okay to share them. It’s highly likely you too have felt some of these emotions. And yet - when I read history and I hear about horrific seasons and how people came through:
I am reminded:
It is - in fact - part of this life. But yet - I am not called to be a victim. I am called to rise above it and usher in the glory and joy of Jesus to those who are hurting around me. I’ve said more than once, I do not know how people do life, do this season, do politics, (do anything!!) without Jesus. But I stop in my tracks and I realize: there are so many who have been dealing with the past horror of a year without the Savior. A CHALLENGE FOR ALL OF US So here is my challenge to us. It’s threefold, really:
King David never would have had the story he could tell his grandkids about how he took out a giant … Esther never would have had the story of how she saved a whole people group … George Washington never would have been known for leading his men through Valley Forge … William Wilberforce never would have been credited with helping end slavery … … if they didn’t show up. ...If they didn’t step into the arena. ...If they didn’t step INTO the challenge. ...If they didn’t EMBRACE the impossible moment. And really - thank You God that they said through their lives, “we are not quitting when it feels uncomfortable,” and, “we are okay to stand alone,” and “we are okay to walk the high road and do the outlandish thing for God” and “we will try again and again and again and again.” IT IS UP TO US Hard things can be hard and miserable. Or Hard things can be hard and full of joy! It’s up to us. Oh Father, let the miracles begin again! When you are in a race (or a contest?) you know there is a destination. You pace yourself for lap 1, lap 2, lap 3. You mentally get in the game “I just have to make it to X …” or “at this point I am going to be weary but I will drink more water and press on …” Sometimes in a contest you do it with someone in mind. “I will finish strong for my son. I will complete my degree to show my children they can do it.” etc etc etc
I think we as Christians need to encourage and remind one another on the mindset we have in this part of the journey. Christians - sadly - in American culture have looked at government and politics: - ignoring it exists - with disdain “it’s so dirty why touch it” - with lack of hope “we could never change it so why try” - with fear “if I do the wrong thing I’ll get in trouble so I’ll play below the radar” - with a lack of understanding - and with a time limit “if I get through election then it’s over and life goes back to normal.” I think we need to challenge fellow Believers to consider this prayer, “Father God, change my mindset so that I see this opportunity for influencing culture not as an item on my checklist but as a way of life not only for me - but also for my family.” KNOW THESE TRUTHS I was recently preparing for a book club on the book God and Government by Chuck Colson (yes, the Charles Colson who started Prison Fellowship). He is telling the story of the uprise of Hitler, the struggle of the pastors, the compromise of the church, the stand of the courageous leaders, the agony of the government officials - and so much more and here is where all this has to do with you and me. We need to get four things straight: 1. YOU were put on this earth for this time, for good things, and with God’s confidence that you can do great feats 2. YOU aren’t in this alone. So many others are feeling the pull and the pressure with you. 3. Jesus IN US has solutions - but WE have to be willing to act and obey 4. IF WE DO NOTHING, we lose (and our future loses): Maybe not “now” but maybe tomorrow, maybe in 5 years, maybe in 15 years, maybe in 2 weeks. I read these stories of what life was like “back then” at the verge of World War II when people were being shuffled off to concentration camps and standard were being redefined and it’s easy to see so much parallel today. We CANNOT GIVE IN. We need to RECOMMIT and PRESS ON. We need to spend MORE TIME in the Word and getting to know the Identity of our Father and therefore grow in our confidence of His identity in us. Our freedom futures demand our engagement. And as Christ followers WE have access to the best solutions: ones God has ready to download to us from Heaven. We cannot give in but we must double our efforts and press on. MOVING FORWARD The examples WE SET, the ideas WE CHAMPION, the paths WE LEAD show our children and friends how to live. What we do on the local level gets noticed and spreads. And when ONLY THE PROGRESSIVES AND ANTI-FREEDOM, ANTI-LIFE PEOPLE STAND AND SPEAK as the louder voice, and the conservatives and Bible loving saints sit quietly by - the world sees what boundaries they can cross. And more importantly Heaven sees. And our lack of voice and our lack of action makes a difference. I still believe that we as Christ followers — those who love Him, are praying - and who are willing to take action can and will change things. I want to encourage you to stay in the journey with me. We are in a battle that is part of a larger war. I hate that the agony of the November 2020 election continues. I hate that China’s assault on us through the virus presses on. However, I REJOICE because so much “crud” that has been underground, so many of us that needed to be shaken, so many things that needed to be repaired are now in the spotlight and if we will partner with the Father we will see the greatest days yet ahead. ONE LAST WORD Please friends, encourage YOUR friends - we might be weary but do not give up. We MUST have a mindset that we are in the race for the long haul - it’s called life. NEVER did God intend that we would be momentary cultural warriors. Again, may we as Christians be surrendered to God, “Change my mindset so that I see this opportunity for influencing culture not as an item on my checklist but as a way of life not only for me - but also for my family. Give me the courage to say YES to You, God this week to step into the unknown for the glory of God and the good of others.” If we will let Him - the greatest days the world has ever known are before us now. Keep pressing on. |
November 2024