Imagine one day that voters can say:
“I knew the Republican Party and her leaders really cared about me after engaging with them on social media.” “I learned more about what it means to be a conservative and a Republican by the content they provided on social media.” “I got involved in my local community to make an impact for conservative ideas, because of the resources the GOP provided to me through social media.” A pioneer looks at history, assesses the moment they are standing in, and ways “what needs to happen in our future.”
But a true pioneer also says “God, what would You have me do now in this hour and time I’m on this earth, with and for You?” Experts will say: that’s not how we do it. Experienced leaders say: it’s never done that way! Wise people say: trust me. I know how. I’ll show you. But I don’t want to let the experts or experienced or wise LEAD me. I want Holy Spirit to lead me and when He says so - to let these sources guide me. I will not use my time on this earth to be a copy cat of anyone else. I will learn from the wise and experienced and I will walk humbly with them and my God. If He says “do the new thing, the new way, rattle their cages and I’ll show the way…” I’ll do it. And I’ll stand in awe of what He will do. And how He will use me. And how the experts too will learn, be blessed, and benefit. Going with God into new territory. Doing what He says even if no one else understands. This is what is right and good and true. That’s what true pioneers do. Holy Spirit lead the way… I'm about to be tarred and feathered for what I'm about to post but - it's all truth and if people know me well enough they know I don't go "blunt" at a whim. It is time that some of the loud activists get challenged on their tone and approach to elections.
Let's start with the basics. Whoever gets the most votes wins. Period. And whoever gets less votes loses. |
November 2024