If I was running the House or Senate Communications in a state, here is a starting point:
Assign to a staffer: 1. Have a master list of key people: plan to send them a brief run down every week of what is happening - good, bad, the highlights. All emails are bcc’d - it becomes a place that you can give a firm delivery of what is happening. They are encouraged to share the info with others. I.e. you are a form of media and you are delivering what you want out. 2. In your communications (noted in point 1) make it clear WHERE you are publishing info through-out the week: FB, website, etc. Repeat, repeat, repeat, who and where to follow so they know where to look and so they know it will be consistent and something they can count on. 3. Have a list of friendly media contacts and a comprehensive list of media contacts; at least one press release should be going out weekly … 4. Have a list of suggested talking points that go out to the team (legislators every week). 5. Have someone responsible for pitching top leaders on radio interviews weekly. 6. Schedule a weekly LIVE update from some member of the caucus … always smiling, always excited, always talking about what they are doing for Michigan citizens. 7. Publish updates on website, make sure things are up to date, consistently. 8. Identify key grassroots leaders who have massive email lists. Include them on item 1 - and make sure they know you are grateful for them would they share the info. Always have a call to action. 9. Highlight the legislators that ARE communicating. 10. Pretend like we ARE in the majority as far as media goes. YOU call the press conference. YOU run with the story … “This week we want to draw the media’s attention to …” or “This week, we have a list of questions we want the media to ask the democrats …” or “This week we are going to do a round table briefing on the front lawn of the capitol and highlight everything NOT being discussed by Governor Whitmer to us…” or “this week we are going to celebrate law enforcement …” or “this week we are going to do a tour of the state to highlight some of the economic successes going on…” And one bonus tip: Once a month there should be Op Eds that are being run and pitched to publish. I can hear conservatives say “we don’t have the media” … so then build relationships with the media so they WANT TO COME TO YOU … give them intriguing things to cover … build relationships with them. Never assume they hear what you hear or see what you see or know what you know. Communicate more - not less and let it be known that you are communicating. I can also hear legislators saying “we don’t have a big email list” - then make one. These are some of my initial suggestions. I will work to get more out soon. Please note I am still learning too; but I have been studying communications and working in the political arena for over 20 years. I have pitched info to media, been on media, and written content that has hit thousands of inboxes statewide. I have written Press Releases, Op Eds, and am currently studying how to be more effective with media. I want my side and our causes to win. Email me with your top "We want to see Leadership doing ____" suggestions. [email protected]. We have a nation to change! - Amy
I’d love to walk into a kitchen, demand a gourmet cake exactly as I envision it and have the chef present it to me within 10 seconds or less. But wishes - like this - are not reality. It is physically impossible but even more-so it belittles the craft, demeans the quality and mocks the artisian’s end product. A one of a kind cake takes time and process.
Or good luck demanding a 5 star tree fort in a snap from a loving father. He loves the child too much to slap something together in a hurry and then say, “go ahead! It’s safe! Have fun!” A strong, reliable, quality fort takes research, calculations, construction, assessment, refining, and patience. To demand anything less speaks more of the requester than it does the item: they are beholden to whims and emotions and not interested in quality or security. They don’t yet understand or value the process that goes into making something of worth and stability. As conservatives, we rejoice in the growing presence of engaged citizens in the civic arena. But many are missing the greatest anchor: the process. During World War II a realization was made by military leaders: our soldiers don’t know why they are fighting. Philosopher and author Russell Kirk, based in Michigan, was commissioned to write a book: The American Cause.
I believe its origin reminds us of our own responsibility in this hour if we are going to keep the American dream alive and its paradigm for freedom. BACKGROUND Russell Kirk is a founding member of the traditional conservative movement. He was dreaming up another book when he was commissioned to write the American Cause by friend Henry Regenery in 1956. (Part 1 - Read here; continue below)
ADDRESSING ESTABLISHMENT One of the other well emphasized categories is “The Establishment.” To a newcomer listening into the conversation of a grassroots criticizing The Establishment they would think it was comparable to the Nazi Regime. Instead it simply means - to many grassroots - those who have been in the political arena for longer than 4:59 minutes and who do not do things according to the grassroots’ wishes. This one is a tricky topic: So much of what is seen and heard out in the marketplace is either false (of what goes on in the inside), mis-understood, not understood with the process, or taken out of context. We hear lots of demonization of “Establishment”. To you and me it grows wearisome and very very old. However, we are leaders, so I suggest we rise above it and change the conversation: You are leaders in Michigan’s political arena. As you move forward to build the gap between grassroots and the “establishment”, please consider the following talking points for messaging and communication strategies. I implore you. After 20 years of serving in statewide politics, with a passion for good communication, I have observed our side drop the ball in a massive way. But if we can recalibrate from this moment forward, we can make incredible gains for the future.
New years bring moments of refreshing, recalibrating, and refocusing. As you work to be a better communicator and to leave a greater mark on your community consider the following when it comes to your online persona: UPDATE PROFILES:
Review all social media profiles, bios, and account settings. Do you have new titles that need updating? Old contact information that needs removed? New accomplishments you should list? CLEAN HOUSE ON SOCIAL MEDIA: It is always good to keep an eye on photos you are being tagged in online. Scroll through posts from the last few months: are there any that are outdated, in need of removing, no longer operating properly? Big business, big Church, big ministry, big candidates, big causes. What do they need?
Their message told. Who tells their message? Their paid advertisements, their robocalls, their endless snail mailers, and periodic email lists. But their best source? People. Where do people hang out? Online. Should they? It’s not a matter of should they. They do. It's the current reality. WHY THIS SPACE MATTERS You as an entity who needs to mobilize the masses - be it 10 or 100,000 buyers, consumers, supporters etc need to understand facts: your audience is online, waiting to be engaged with by you, or someone who will quickly take your place. If you win them over, people are your best source of advertisement. They will perpetuate your story, invite more people into your community, and will become your biggest fans when they feel you have connected with them. But have you connected with them? Do they feel you are more - spammy and cold online? Or do they feel like they could invite you over for a cup of coffee because you, yes you as a brand, a candidate, a ministry, a business, an entity - are human? This, my friend, is why you need to do social media, email and good websites and do it well. Imagine one day that voters can say:
“I knew the Republican Party and her leaders really cared about me after engaging with them on social media.” “I learned more about what it means to be a conservative and a Republican by the content they provided on social media.” “I got involved in my local community to make an impact for conservative ideas, because of the resources the GOP provided to me through social media.” A pioneer looks at history, assesses the moment they are standing in, and ways “what needs to happen in our future.”
But a true pioneer also says “God, what would You have me do now in this hour and time I’m on this earth, with and for You?” Experts will say: that’s not how we do it. Experienced leaders say: it’s never done that way! Wise people say: trust me. I know how. I’ll show you. But I don’t want to let the experts or experienced or wise LEAD me. I want Holy Spirit to lead me and when He says so - to let these sources guide me. I will not use my time on this earth to be a copy cat of anyone else. I will learn from the wise and experienced and I will walk humbly with them and my God. If He says “do the new thing, the new way, rattle their cages and I’ll show the way…” I’ll do it. And I’ll stand in awe of what He will do. And how He will use me. And how the experts too will learn, be blessed, and benefit. Going with God into new territory. Doing what He says even if no one else understands. This is what is right and good and true. That’s what true pioneers do. Holy Spirit lead the way… I'm about to be tarred and feathered for what I'm about to post but - it's all truth and if people know me well enough they know I don't go "blunt" at a whim. It is time that some of the loud activists get challenged on their tone and approach to elections.
Let's start with the basics. Whoever gets the most votes wins. Period. And whoever gets less votes loses. |
November 2024